nutrition watermelon- health benefits and facts!

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit contains about 90% water. It is also full of powerful antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals nutrition watermelon. Since it has a cooling effect, this fruit is considered excellent for summer nutrition facts watermelon.
It is available in more than 1200 varieties, yellow, orange pulp white or red. Some of the most popular varieties are Caroline Cross, Rangel, Cream of Saskatchewan Watermelon Kensuke watermelon yellow crimson, moon and stars, etc nutrition watermelon.
When choosing a watermelon, look for one that is smooth, firm (but not too hard), and free of bruises and soft tissue. Ripe watermelons are dashed on top nutrition facts watermelon.
"When we tested, knows what the angels eat."
- Mark Twain
Scientific Name: Citrucel landaus
Other names: Taboo, Pin, Pawn, Han Kula, watermelon, water Melba ³ n, Crooner, Ragging, Sermon nutrition facts watermelon

Watermelon for Health

Native Region

Watermelon is native to Africa nutrition watermelon. It occurs in tropical and subtropical regions of the world now. This plant belongs to the family Luxuriance nutrition facts watermelon.

Healing Properties

Watermelon has cooling properties nutrition watermelon. It also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, emollient, unthematic, febrifuge, laxative and slightly diuretic qualities nutrition facts watermelon.
Outside the pink flesh, juicy watermelon rind also has several health benefits. For example, you can cure your acne and improve blood circulation nutrition watermelon.
Regular consumption of fresh juice extracted from the fruit, which is responsible for glycogen protects against heart disease nutrition watermelon.
It also reduces the chances of developing cervical cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and other cancers nutrition watermelon.
Furthermore, studies have shown that high levels of glycogen prevent damage caused by sun exposure. Furthermore, works as a good watermelon hormone regulator nutrition facts watermelon. Furthermore, it enhances immunity and helps reduce the severity of asthma nutrition watermelon.
Watermelon helps you lose weight because it helps the metabolism to function effectively. Can prevent the formation of kidney stones, too nutrition facts watermelon. The contribution of these incredible benefits of soft fruits burning sensation caused by mouth ulcers and sores nutrition facts watermelon.
Being rich in carotene, watermelon helps lower blood pressure. Helps eliminate toxins from the body and reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood nutrition watermelon.
This fruit is also useful for curing mild erectile dysfunction because it contains interline that can relax blood vessels nutrition facts watermelon. Eating this fruit can be used as a natural remedy to increase libido, too nutrition facts watermelon.
Here's an interesting video showing how to make watermelon juice nutrition watermelon.

Furthermore, watermelon protects the eyes related macular degeneration with age, glaucoma and other conditions associated with similar eye nutrition facts watermelon.

It is good for the brain and relieves symptoms of depression and nervous anxiety. It also works as an effective home remedy for besetting nutrition watermelon.
Nutrition, watermelon is considered good for health because it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin B, magnesium, potassium, thiamine, and so on.
While still wet, it is beneficial for diabetic patients. It is also good for people with arthritis and rheumatism nutrition watermelon.

The medicinal uses watermelon

• Eat fruit daily during the summer prevents heat stroke nutrition facts watermelon. Being rich in electrolytes and prevents dehydration nutrition watermelon.

• Consuming watermelon rind relieves heartburn and morning sickness during pregnancy. It also reduces muscle cramps nutrition watermelon.

• Boil a handful of watermelon seeds in water until the solution becomes thick. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning to get rid of intestinal parasites. Follow this treatment for a few days nutrition watermelon.

• Watermelon seeds dry in the sun for a day or two and boil two teaspoons of seeds in a cup of water for about an hour nutrition data watermelon. Allow to cool and filter the solution. Drink this medicine in your home to reduce blood pressure nutrition watermelon.
Health Benefits of Watermelon
• Drinking tea seed watermelon may be useful in treating urinary tract infections nutrition watermelon.

• Have a glass of watermelon juice in the morning on an empty stomach provides relief from headaches nutrition watermelon.

• benefits of watermelon seed oil in the natural treatment of rickets nutrition watermelon.

• Consuming watermelon seed tea cleanses the kidneys and bladder nutrition data watermelon. To make tea, pour two cups of hot water over a tablespoon of water melon seeds in the soil nutrition data watermelon.
Leave the solution for 15 minutes nutrition data watermelon, drain. Drinking this tea daily for three days. This therapeutic tea also helps to dissolve kidney stones nutrition watermelon.

• eating slices of watermelon mixed with a little salt cures black dry cough nutrition data watermelon.

• Only eat fruit for a couple of days relieves constipation nutrition watermelon.

• Rub a slice of cold watermelon can cure skin wounds nutrition watermelon.

• To treat acne naturally rub watermelon peel on the skin on a regular basis. Moreover, the consumption of this fruit and its juice nutrition watermelon.
Watermelon for Health
• The application of watermelon juice on the skin for about 15 minutes helps prevent wrinkles as it tightens the skin.

• regulate the use of a combination of watermelon pulp and yogurt in the skin serves as a natural remedy to exfoliate the skin and the spots fade. You can also mix a blend of watermelon, yogurt and banana and apply it as a mask for 15-20 minutes for a glowing skin.

• To get rid of blackheads and prevent sunburn, apply a combination of grated cucumber, watermelon juice, tomato juice and enough rice flour to form a paste. Immediately wash after 10-15 minutes.
Roasted watermelon seeds can be eaten as a snack or sprinkled on salads. You can also make watermelon seed tea or include seeds (ground) in soups to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes.
These seeds are rich in protein and low in carbohydrates. Also, you can pickle or macerate the fruit shell after removing the green nutrition data watermelon.


Watermelons do not cause significant side effects, since they are consumed in moderation. Excessive consumption of this fruit, however, can lead to hyperbole, especially in people with kidney disease nutrition data watermelon. May cause allergic reactions in people prone to celery, cucumber or latex allergies.

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