nutrition egg- health benefits and facts of egg

Egg Nutrition is one of the best diets. Each egg healthy person has at least seventy calories nutrition egg. Eggs are filled with nutrients found in different amounts. The best part is that more than half of the total protein is monounsaturated fat, while a small amount of saturated fat nutrition egg.

The nutritional value of eggs

While many focus only on the cholesterol content of eggs, it really has much more to offer and will certainly throw nutritional punch nutrition facts egg. A healthy diet that includes eggs may help control weight, muscle development egg white nutrition, healthy pregnancy nutrition facts egg, and brain and eye function. An egg, only 70-80 calories provides 6 grams of high quality protein and 13 essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins B and vitamin D nutrition egg. That depends on you Haskell, AO nutritional profile if you ask me nutrition facts egg.

egg benefits

1. Eggs are great for the eyes. In one study,
an egg a day may prevent macular degeneration
because of the content of carotene, glutei, especially
relaxation nutrition egg.

Two. The researchers found that people who eat eggs
every day reduce their risk of developing cataracts nutrition facts egg,
Also because of the glutei and relaxation in eggs nutrition egg.

Three. One egg contains 6 grams of high quality protein
and 9 amino acids nutrition egg.

April. According to a study by the Harvard School
Public health, regular consumption of eggs may help
prevent blood clots, stroke and heart attacks nutrition facts egg.

May. Eggs are an excellent source of hotline. The egg yolk
about 300 micrograms of hotline. Hotline is a
important nutrient that helps regulate the brain nutrition facts egg,
nervous system and cardiovascular system nutrition egg.

June. Contain the right type of fat. An egg
contains only 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 grams of
that is saturated fat nutrition egg.

July. New and recent research studies have shown that
regular consumption of two eggs per day does
affect a person, SÃO lipid profile and may, in fact egg white nutrition,
improve nutrition facts egg. Research suggests that it is saturated fat
which increases instead of dietary cholesterol
Cholesterol nutrition egg.

The actuality of the eggs

One egg contains, on average, about 6 grams of protein. More important than the amount of protein in an egg, that is the quality of the protein in an egg. Eggs provide the most comprehensive, cost effective and nutritious animal protein nutrition egg.

Less natural Eggs are one of the healthiest in the world that offers not only the highest quality protein, but also all known vitamins and minerals foods egg white nutrition, with the exception of vitamin C. One of the facts about eggs overlooked is the massive production with cheap food, chemical antibiotics to overcome severe overcrowding and inhumane made unfit for human consumption nutrition egg.

Natural eggs produced by hens who see the light of day and learn to peck around and eat insects green plants, both essential to your diet, are much higher than nutritional quality. A dangerous aspect of nutritional imbalances resulting from the production factory farm eggs have to do with omega-3 and omega-6 nutrition egg.

A study of the eggs collected from four farms that practice sustainable agriculture and traditional farming chickens are really Maureen range egg white nutrition, the AU and analyzed in an accredited laboratory results compared to official USDA egg factory farm nutrition egg.

Nutrition pomegranate- Facts & Health Benefits

Pomegranate fruit is often known as Punic grandaunt which has many benefits for health and beauty. Many of us face on television that offers a variety of drinks pomegranate efficiency. Pomegranate fruit is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that are very useful for the body to protect against free radicals nutrition pomegranate. The use of pomegranate as free radical scavengers is simple pomegranate seeds nutrition, that is, to treat as juice or eat immediately nutrition facts pomegranate. In terms of beauty pomegranate seeds nutrition, grenades may also be used as a skin cleanser and an antidote to inflammation of the skin nutrition facts pomegranate.

The nutritional value of pomegranate

The calories in 100 grams each grenade is 83 calories, the same size of pomegranate has cholesterol at all nutrition pomegranate. Pomegranates are rich in antioxidant poly phenols, such as tannins and antihistamines nutrition facts pomegranate. Medical research has shown that people who consumed pomegranate juice per day may experience a variety of benefits, reducing cholesterol, get more vitamin C pomegranate seeds nutrition, and increases blood flow to the heart. This means that pomegranate juice is also effective in keeping the heart to stay healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke nutrition pomegranate.

Health benefits of pomegranate

A source of nutrient rich foods contain photochemical, high levels of flavored and poly phenols, pomegranate has gained popularity as a "miracle fruit" because of the powerful antioxidant properties that protect against many diseases nutrition facts pomegranate. In addition to the antioxidant properties pomegranate seeds nutrition, which also contain anti-inflammatory and antiviral offering potential therapeutic benefits nutrition pomegranate.

antioxidant properties of pomegranate
A rich source of antioxidants, pomegranates crisp are one of the few fruits fruit juice or seeds is also beneficial nutrition facts pomegranate. The juice contains more antioxidants than red wine or green tea pomegranate seeds nutrition. The skin contains the highest amounts of antioxidants, which are released when the fruit is sent for juicing nutrition pomegranate.

Granada helps fight free radicals
Full of antioxidants, buffers grenades free radicals produced in the body. Free radicals cause oxidation are due to internal and external sources such as exposure to harmful environmental toxins, chemical contaminants and dangerous rays of the sun nutrition facts pomegranate.

Benefits of Pomegranate reduces bad cholesterol
Packed with antioxidant vitamins and enzymes, pomegranates prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, lowering bad cholesterol namely low density lipoprotein (LD) and increase good cholesterol HD (high density lipoprotein) nutrition facts pomegranate.

Grenades play the role of aspirin, which prevents blood platelets from sticking together to form dangerous blood clots that usually lead to atherosclerosis nutrition facts pomegranate. Several studies indicate that the anti thrombotic property of fruit out to prevent the formation of blood clots also help reverse atherosclerotic plaque nutrition pomegranate.

The acts of the pomegranate as an anticoagulant, which provide good blood circulation to the heart and throughout the body nutrition pomegranate.

Benefits of Pomegranate blood pressure
One study also found that pomegranates help lower blood pressure in people with hypertension because they contain potassium nutrition facts pomegranate. Therefore, it is very beneficial for persons with high blood pressure or hypertension nutrition pomegranate.

Coronary artery disease
According to studies pomegranate seeds nutrition, pomegranate may improve blood flow to the heart more than a third, which keeps arteries clear decrease the chance of developing heart problems, including heart disease, hypertension and coronary heart disease nutrition pomegranate.

Pomegranates contain high levels of antioxidants called flavored, which are very effective in neutralizing cancer-causing free radicals nutrition facts pomegranate. Pelagic acid in cancer cells grenades are agents that induce apoptosis, a process that causes the destruction of the destruction of cancer cells. Drinking juice or just eat fruit regularly to help fight cancer and slows the growth of cancer cells nutrition pomegranate.

According to studies by the University of Lima Linda of California, Alzheimer's disease is the accumulation of plaque in the dead brain cells. However, vitamin B rich pomegranate riboflavin, thiamine and niacin content can reduce the accumulation of harmful proteins and help slow the degeneration of the brain associated with the onset of Alzheimer's disease nutrition pomegranate.

Grenades for the immune system
Antioxidants and vitamin C in grenades support the immune system to develop resistance to infection and enhancing immunity nutrition pomegranate.

Pomegranate Benefits for digestive health
Granada plays a key role in the secretion of enzymes nutrition facts pomegranate. Therefore this fruit improves digestion function. They contain good amounts of fiber, which regulates bowel movements pomegranate seeds nutrition. Thus, for centuries, have been used in Curved medicine to treat diarrhea and dysentery. They also act as a laxative and help increase bowel peristalsis and relieve constipation nutrition pomegranate.

From grenades improve digestive health, stimulate appetite nutrition facts pomegranate.

Cold and flu
Loaded with vitamin C grenades can help prevent the symptoms of flu and colds nutrition pomegranate.

Sore throat
Due to its anti-inflammatory, pain relief grenades and redness of the throat nutrition pomegranate.

Another advantage is that pomegranate juice with its antibacterial and antiviral properties, helping to reduce the effects of the plate nutrition pomegranate.

Pomegranate Benefits for Men

The Greeks credited with aphrodisiac qualities grenade, that has been proven by modern science pomegranate seeds nutrition. Researchers at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh have found that men and women who drank a daily glass of juice for a couple of weeks have seen a surge of testosterone, a hormone that stimulates sexual desire in both sexes nutrition pomegranate.

Erectile Dysfunction
With improved blood circulation, pomegranates are an excellent remedy for erectile dysfunction in men nutrition facts pomegranate. Therefore, regular consumption of fruits can be beneficial nutrition pomegranate. New studies show a glass of pomegranate juice a day outside to relieve erectile dysfunction, may even increase sperm quality nutrition pomegranate.

Prostate Cancer
The antioxidant properties of pomegranate can also help in the fight against prostate cancer in men nutrition facts pomegranate. According to a study by the University of California, drinking pomegranate juice helps to stabilize the PSA, which is released in the incidence rate of prostate cancer in men with this compound disease nutrition pomegranate. This result indicates that pomegranate juice can help in the fight against the development of prostate cancer for those with a family history nutrition pomegranate.

Pomegranate Benefits for Women
Pregnant women
Pomegranate juice is an excellent source of folic acid, which is necessary for the healthy development of babies nutrition pomegranate. Folic acid is a necessary element in the formation of red blood cells and DNA nutrition facts pomegranate. Therefore, women with high levels of folic acid in early pregnancy were more likely to have healthier babies nutrition pomegranate.

Morning sickness
Pomegranate juice is also helpful in preventing morning sickness nutrition pomegranate.

Neonatal brain
Studies show that pregnant women at risk of preterm birth may protect the neonatal brain by drinking pomegranate juice, which prevents damage to the child's brain due to inadequate blood flow nutrition pomegranate. Anti inflammatory juice contains flavored that make blood vessels remain open and allow adequate access to all parts of the body of the infant's blood nutrition pomegranate.

PMS and menopausal symptoms
Granada helps balance estrogen levels in women nutrition pomegranate. Therefore, the daily consumption of a glass of pomegranate juice or pomegranate seeds can help fight PMS and provide relief of hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause nutrition pomegranate.

The most recent discovery of the health benefits of pomegranate extracts recommended that the fruit could prevent the onset of osteoarthritis nutrition facts pomegranate. Samples damaged by osteoarthritis were treated with human cartilage extract by scientists at the U.S. and found that inhibits production of the enzyme responsible for the damage nutrition pomegranate. So, drink a glass of pomegranate juice or eating a whole pomegranate daily can inhibit the onset of osteoarthritis. However, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of the extract of cartilage consumer protection nutrition pomegranate.

Granada has an iron content nutrition facts pomegranate. Therefore, support blood circulation and help to relieve the symptoms of anemia, such as tiredness, dizziness and weakness nutrition pomegranate. The content of vitamin C in pomegranates also helps improve the absorption of iron in the body nutrition pomegranate.

Pomegranate Benefits for healthy skin
Pomegranate is a good source of powerful antioxidants with vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E are known to protect the skin against free radicals and help fight skin wrinkles pomegranate seeds nutrition. Besides this an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin is one of the causes of acne. Vitamin C in grenades helps regulate sebum production, preventing acne nutrition pomegranate. Because of its iron content nutrition facts pomegranate, which is a component of hemoglobin, grenades help absorb oxygen and bringing the skin rejuvenation and provide a soft and smooth texture which makes them visibly smooth nutrition pomegranate.

celery nutrition- health nurition benefits and facts

Celery is a vegetable that belongs to the parsley family and is known by the scientific name "Opium grovelers sweet." It is mainly grown for its stems nutrition celery, which are edible and are used for consumption. Celery has a very pleasant smell and distinctive, so it is used as an ingredient in stews, salads, soups, mixed in a cocktail nutrition celery, etc. However, very few people are aware that celery has a high nutritional value and provides a number of benefits to the health of those who consume it. It is known to cure various health problems that are not easily curable. From the leaves to the root, almost all parts of the plant are edible and are also extremely rich in medicinal value nutrition celery. Celery is used in various diets due to its low calorie content. It is also widely used in various stews either fresh or dried nutrition celery.

Selection and storage

Celery also known as celery cut is available in markets throughout the year. Its tender leaves and stems can be used at any time during the season nutrition celery. However, in order to prepare the dry leaves, the first 6 to 8 inches of cut growth during flowering.
In the store, you can buy fresh leaves and stem light green and crispy nutrition celery. Prevents sagging, withered stalks and yellow leaves dry and damaged.
At home, their stems can remain fresh up to a week in the refrigerator. Wrap in a paper towel and place in a zip bag. Use the leaves, while they are fresh to enjoy its strong aromatic flavor.
Celery (Opium gravel apace Group) is a turnip root plant as closely related to celery and similar growth habit and appearance nutrition celery. It has a gray interior aromatic flesh-brown, but the thick white outer layer. Elegiac root is used as a vegetable, is very popular in the UK nutrition celery.

How to enjoy celery

Fried is a great way to enjoy celery. Bake in preheated skillet with a little oil for 2-3 minutes until tender nutrition celery.
Celery boiled with other vegetables like carrots is a healthy way to cook nutrition facts celery.
There are different ways to make celery soup, which are delicious and healthy.
Interestingly nutrition data celery, celery can be baked in bread, to serve lunch or dinner.
Salads are a great way of celery. You can enjoy celery salad with tasty sauces nutrition facts celery.
Celery can be transformed into a sauce well nutrition facts celery.
One of the healthiest consumption modes celery which is in the form of juice. To give a better flavor nutrition data celery, you can make a mixed juice which includes grapes and celery nutrition celery.

The medicinal uses

Wild celery has been used in complementary medicine to reduce blood pressure, to relieve indigestion and as an anti-inflammatory agent nutrition facts celery. Was also used as a diuretic to remove excess water from the body nutrition celery.

Essential oils of seeds nutrition facts celery, herbs and roots are used as a carminative, emendating, Galapagos (with the secretion of breast milk) nutrition facts celery, nervous system disorders nutrition data celery, such as headaches and nervous irritability nutrition celery.

The herb has also been claimed useful in rheumatic and gouty nutrition facts celery. (Disclaimer)

nutrition peas- health benefits and facts

History and origin of peas

G. pea plant Mendel began the long and thorough studies on hybridization and transmission of the characters, and then formulate the laws of genetics are still accepted and fully accredited by the world of science nutrition peas. The importance of peas does not stop just vegetables genetics.These triumphed in the world, not only for its delicate flavor and sweet, but also for adequate nutritional intake and the therapeutic effects of great value nutrition chick peas. In this article we will give an overview of the peas, deeper into the subject of botany, nutrition and herbal medicine. Peas, like most legumes have their roots in the Neolithic 7000 BC nutrition peas. It is believed that the pea is native to India, despite the assumption that has not been fully credited.Currently pea plant is widely cultivated in Asia and the Mediterranean countries. The peas are grown primarily for human consumption nutrition chick peas, but is also widely used as fodder nutrition peas.

Peas are very small powers nutrition are a great help to your health and the planet. Read all their benefits, how to use them properly, and some easy recipes nutrition peas. Let's start with the benefits of this tasty power food nutrition chick peas.

1. Weight Management:

The peas are low in all times of fat but high. A cup of peas with less than 100 calories but rich in protein, fiber and micronutrients nutrition peas.

Two. prevention of stomach cancer nutrition chick peas:

Peas contain large quantities of poly phenols called counterstroke health protective nutrition peas. A study in Mexico found a 2 milligrams per day of potentiates to help prevent stomach cancer. A cup of peas with at least 10 nutrition peas.

Three nutrition chick peas. Anti-aging, a strong immune system and high energy

This is due to the higher levels of antioxidants nutrition chick peas, including:

flavored: catching and explicate
carotene: alpha-carotene and beta-carotene
phenolic acids: formulaic acid and affect
Poly phenols: counterstroke
April. Preventing wrinkles, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, bronchitis, osteoporosis and Candida:

They are potent anti-inflammatory properties of the peas. Excessive inflammation has also been linked to heart disease nutrition chick peas, cancer and aging in general nutrition peas. These properties include:

Psalmodies Illusionism I and II A and B (potentiates found almost exclusively in inflammatory peas)
Vitamin C and vitamin E, and a good amount of antioxidant mineral zinc
Omega-3 fats in the form of alpha-indolence acid (ALA),
May. alchemic control nutrition peas:

Protein-rich pea fiber and slows down how fast sugars are digested nutrition facts peas.
Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drugs prevent or reverse insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes) agents nutrition peas,
Carbohydrates of all peas are sugars and starches without white sugar or natural chemicals to worry about nutrition peas.

Nutritional Value
Peas are one of the most popular vegetables in the diet in New Zealand nutrition chick peas. Peas are primarily carbohydrates nutrition peas, but they are also a good source of protein and fiber are 3% and less than 1% fat. Peas also contain important vitamins and minerals. For example nutrition facts peas, fresh peas contain 16 mg of vitamin C per 100 g and 70 mg folic citric/100 g, which are both more than a third of the recommended daily intake of Australia, and 1.7 iron / mg 100 g, that is more than a fifth of the recommended daily allowance for adult men. Peas are a good source of Vitamin E, and also contains carotene, precursors of vitamin A, and a number of minerals nutrition facts peas, such as potassium and magnesium nutrition peas.

Storage Tips green peas

Fresh peas should be eaten on the day of purchase to take advantage of their full flavor and aroma. But if you want to eat at a later date nutrition chick peas, store unwashed in perforated plastic bag in the refrigerator where they will last two or three days nutrition peas.

Alternatively nutrition facts peas, you can freeze peas to prolong his life. Blanch for a minute or two and put them in the freezer where it will last up to six to twelve months nutrition peas.

Package frozen peas should be consumed within 6-12 months from the date of packaging, rather than from the printed expiration date 24-30 months nutrition peas.

Put the peas in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to one year nutrition facts peas. Instead, they can be frozen for an indefinite period nutrition peas.

nutrition potato- health benefits and facts

Potato a starchy tuberous crop grown worldwide nutrition facts potato, is an essential nutrient in revenue in many countries around the world nutrition potato. Besides grain rice, wheat and maize nutrition data potato, the potato is the most consumed crop in the world nutrition facts potato. Although no vegetable dish is not complete without the presence of potatoes, several countries in which only the potato is the staple food. The tuber was discovered almost four centuries around the Andes today find their place in the kitchen of each region nutrition facts potato. However, due to the high content of carbohydrates and calories, potatoes are a vegetable avoided by many nutrition data potato. Well, the fact is that potatoes are filling and not fattening, contrary to popular belief that most of us live with nutrition data potato. In addition, you will be pleased to know that potatoes have more in store for you than just unwanted calories, making sure you stay healthy nutrition facts potato. Here are some health benefits of eating potatoes, making them an essential nutrient in the diet for health nutrition potato.


The first floor of the potato was discovered in Peru in South America. In late 3000 and early 2000 BC BC, potato is grown as a house plant in Peru nutrition facts potato. Later, the Peruvians have realized that potatoes grown in cold storage are also rich in nutrients nutrition potato. This has led to the production of potatoes as chinos nutrition data potato, tubers of plants when exposed to the cold of the night. Pope first arrived in Europe through the hands of sailors traveling from Peru to Spain. Historians believe that the sailors were potatoes and corn enough for their food needs during the trip and found increasingly in Europe tuber nutrition facts potato. It was during the nth century that the potato culture has become important in Ireland, Scotland and England nutrition potato. Gradually, the potato has started to invade the homes of all kinds of people in Europe, the peasants and the army for the middle class nutrition facts potato. However nutrition data potato, it is only in the nth century that the potato crops were first seen in France and from there spread to Germany nutrition potato. In the nth century, potatoes were considered an alternative only turnips and rutabagas in European kitchens. Russia, Poland, India, China and the United States are the leading producers of potatoes now nutrition facts potato.


potato nutrition facts show that vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and nutrients and other vegetables are some general elements nutrition potato.

You can get 50 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin B and vitamin C for adults only 7 ounces of baked potatoes with skin intact daily dose. There are also plenty of potassium and about 5 grams of fiber nutrition potato. You get all this for zero grams of fat and only 220 calories nutrition facts potato.

Starch is the principal compound present in this vegetable nutrition data potato. Contains proteins that carries a high biological value nutrition potato.

Their analysis gives the following composition per 100 g edible portion flood:

• Humidity - 75%

• Carbohydrates - 15.90 g

• Protein - 1.89 g

• Fat - 0.10 g

• Cholesterol - 0 g

• Dietary fiber - 2.5 g

• Energy - 97 kcal

Vitamins -

• Foliate - 3M

• Niacin - 1.149 mg

• Antithetic Acid - 0.279 mg

• pyridoxine - 0.239 mg

• Riboflavin - 0.038 mg

• Thiamin - 0.081 mg

• Vitamin C - 11.4 mg

• Vitamin A - 7 UI

• Vitamin K - 2.9 micro g


• Sodium - 6 mg

• Potassium - 455 mg

Minerals -

• Calcium - 10 mg

• Iron - 0.73 mg

• Magnesium - 22 mg

• Manganese - 0.141mg

• Phosphorus - 61 mg

• Zinc - 0.33 mg


• carotene, beta - 4 mcg

• Alpha-carotene - 0 mcg

• Glutei, relaxation - 21 mcg

Potato nutritional facts explained here will be useful to determine the nutritional value of vegetables in the family nutrition potato.

Health Benefits of Aloof (Potato)

Contrary to popular belief that potatoes should be avoided because they are high in starch, medical reports now say that the potatoes should be eaten as they help enrich the body with essential nutrients nutrition potato. Potatoes are rich in photochemical that help fight against respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disease and various cancers nutrition potato.

People with hypertension should eat potatoes in large quantities. Potato contains a compound called glucosamine that helps lower blood pressure nutrition potato.

Potatoes are rich in vitamin B, which helps build and repair body cells nutrition potato. Vitamin leads to the production of enzymes in the body, which in turn leads to chemical reactions that cause cellular repair nutrition potato. Besides repairing the human body and brain cells, this nutrient is responsible for the production of the amine molecule in the human body, which enables communication between the ribs of the human nervous system nutrition potato.

Potatoes are very effective in relieving the pressure due to tension, indigestion, nature of food and many other reasons nutrition facts potato. Fiber is known to reduce cholesterol and improve the functioning of insulin in the body, reducing blood pressure nutrition potato.

The potato fiber helps reduce the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the plasma in the human body nutrition potato.

Potato contains large amounts of starch helps to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance nutrition potato.

Potatoes are an ideal food for people who are thin and fine. With lots of carbohydrates and proteins, which help promote weight gain nutrition potato.

Easy to digest nutrition facts potato, potatoes help facilitate the process of digestion, especially for people who can not digest hard food but need energy, and patients and babies nutrition potato.

Potatoes contain vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc in large amounts that are beneficial to the skin nutrition facts potato. They are perfect to cure pimples, blemishes, burns and even help to soften and cleanse the skin, especially around elbows, back of hands, and so on nutrition potato.

nutrition pear- health benefits and facts !

Fruits have a high nutritional value because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals and pear is one of the healthiest fruits available. The fruit is yellow or green with juicy rounded tapering to the stem nutrition pear. They have a very delicate flavor and are soft to merge when they are put in the mouth, by the type "melt in your mouth" of pears are also called "butter fruit" worldwide nutrition facts pear. The pears are grown worldwide and more than 3,000 varieties of pears grown worldwide nutrition pear.

Nutritional benefits of pears

There are mainly eight pear varieties nutrition facts pear, including green, yellow / gold, brown and red, which are distinctive texture and flavor nutrition pear. They are mostly eaten raw and taste in desserts nutrition facts pear.

The pear tree can reach 20 meters high nutrition pear. Petra is one of the few fruits that do not ripen well if allowed to ripen on the tree nutrition facts pear, pear etc are collected in the trees when they are almost ripe and left at room temperature to fully ripen. The thumb test is used to check if the bulb burns out to eat delicious with soft body or not nutrition pear. To do this, apply gentle thumb pressure near the base of the stem nutrition facts pear, if supported by some pear is ripe and ready to eat. When mature tastes sweet, smooth and soft and filled with pear juice. It should be noted that if a company is established unripe pear in the refrigerator, it will not be mature and give rise to a loss nutrition facts pear. Pears have a shelf life of two to three days after refined nutrition pear.

Pears are consumed after washing the skin gently under running water and dry nutrition facts pear. The skin provides almost half of the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber, it is recommended to peel the pear fruit should be consumed whole fruit nutrition pear.

Once cut, pears will oxidize and form a brown layer above nutrition facts pear. To prevent browning, a few drops of lemon juice or orange juice can be sprayed on fruit


Quantity per 100 grams of pears

Calories - 57 kcal
Total fat - 0.1 g
Saturated Fat - 3G
Polyunsaturated fats - 0,1 g
Monounsaturated fat - 0.1 g
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Sodium - 0.1 mg
Potassium - 116 mg
Dietary fiber - 3.1 g
Sugar - 10 g
Protein - 0.4 g
Vitamin C - 7 mg

Serving Ideas

Pear Smoothie: Mix yogurt, pears, granulated sugar, milk and rich experience of fiber, calcium and vitamin C nutrition facts pear.

Pear and grilled cheese sandwich: Mix cheddar cheese, pears, mustard, salt for the filling and the substance of bread butter bread. Enjoy the delicacy nutrition facts pear.

Pear, avocado and shrimp salad: Off the three main ingredients - pear, avocado and shrimp. Add a splash of olive oil and lemon juice, salt to taste nutrition pear. Enjoy a delicious salad for all seasons nutrition facts pear.

Pear Waffles

Pear Squash

Pear Pancakes

Health Benefits of Pears

The reduced risk of cancer: An excessive amount of bile acids in the intestine may increase the risk of colorectal cancer and intestinal problems nutrition pear. Pears fiber tend to be attached to the bile acids, bile acids nutrition pear, especially the secondary prevention of risks of colon cancer nutrition facts pear. As pears potentiates help reduce the risk of gastric cancer nutrition pear. A study by the National Institutes of Health and the American Association of Retired Persons involving 490 802 participants, found that when you eat pears also help reduce the risk of esophageal cancer nutrition pear.

Petra fibers have the ability to bind bile acids in the intestine and to reduce bile acid pool, which in turn lowers cholesterol synthesis reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. One study found that pear capacity bind bile acids constrained cholesterol lowering drug is about 5 percent of the drug's ability to achieve the result nutrition facts pear. Other commonly consumed fruits, bananas and pineapples only showed more with their ability to bind bile acids is 9 percent and 6 percent, respectively nutrition pear.

Health Benefits of Pears: cardiovascular diseases

-2 Rate risk reduced diabetes mellitus: like pears have enough soluble and insoluble fiber, consumption of this fruit helps reduce the risk of diabetes nutrition data pear. Several studies have shown that flavorless FLACON-3-Sols nutrition pear, and pear Anthony in improving insulin sensitivity and therefore regulate the levels of glucose in the body in the correct manner nutrition pear.

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory: A Study on Aging found that pear is ranked as the second largest source of flavored, among all fruits and vegetables, in part because explicate rich fruit nutrition pear. All of these components in the bulb have antioxidant properties and to enhance anti-inflammatory support nutrition pear. As a result of the consumption of pears is associated with reduced risk of several common chronic disease that begins with chronic inflammation and excessive oxidative stress nutrition pear. Some potentiates found in pear fruits are hydroxyl acids, hydroxyl acids, hydroxylation, flannels (also called Flacon-3-Sols), flannels, and carotene nutrition data pear.

High vitamin C: pears contain high amounts of vitamin C nutrition data pear, which is an antioxidant. Therefore pears consumption leads to prevention of scurvy caused by a deficiency of vitamin C nutrition pear. Vitamin C also has properties of tissue construction and therefore works well in healing wounds and cuts nutrition pear.

Hypoallergenic Properties: Sometimes the pear fruit is the first to be introduced to a child nutrition data pear, as it is considered less allergenic than other fruits and food products nutrition pear. Pears small amounts of calculates and benzoates, so it is recommended for people with allergies nutrition data pear.

Laxative: pears function as a good laxative and are known to relieve constipation. High amounts of dietary fiber in pear fruit peel works well in the digestive system and increases stool as well nutrition pear.

Health Benefits of Pears: Constipation

Fat and cholesterol: pears, including its power to fatty foods can reduce total fat intake and cholesterol so that many of the risks associated with various diseases nutrition pear. Therefore, we can conclude that pears fruit countless benefits when consumed regularly nutrition data pear. This dish should be included in the diet and its benefits should be enjoyed by all nutrition pear.

nutrition watermelon- health benefits and facts!

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit contains about 90% water. It is also full of powerful antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals nutrition watermelon. Since it has a cooling effect, this fruit is considered excellent for summer nutrition facts watermelon.
It is available in more than 1200 varieties, yellow, orange pulp white or red. Some of the most popular varieties are Caroline Cross, Rangel, Cream of Saskatchewan Watermelon Kensuke watermelon yellow crimson, moon and stars, etc nutrition watermelon.
When choosing a watermelon, look for one that is smooth, firm (but not too hard), and free of bruises and soft tissue. Ripe watermelons are dashed on top nutrition facts watermelon.
"When we tested, knows what the angels eat."
- Mark Twain
Scientific Name: Citrucel landaus
Other names: Taboo, Pin, Pawn, Han Kula, watermelon, water Melba ³ n, Crooner, Ragging, Sermon nutrition facts watermelon

Watermelon for Health

Native Region

Watermelon is native to Africa nutrition watermelon. It occurs in tropical and subtropical regions of the world now. This plant belongs to the family Luxuriance nutrition facts watermelon.

Healing Properties

Watermelon has cooling properties nutrition watermelon. It also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, emollient, unthematic, febrifuge, laxative and slightly diuretic qualities nutrition facts watermelon.
Outside the pink flesh, juicy watermelon rind also has several health benefits. For example, you can cure your acne and improve blood circulation nutrition watermelon.
Regular consumption of fresh juice extracted from the fruit, which is responsible for glycogen protects against heart disease nutrition watermelon.
It also reduces the chances of developing cervical cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and other cancers nutrition watermelon.
Furthermore, studies have shown that high levels of glycogen prevent damage caused by sun exposure. Furthermore, works as a good watermelon hormone regulator nutrition facts watermelon. Furthermore, it enhances immunity and helps reduce the severity of asthma nutrition watermelon.
Watermelon helps you lose weight because it helps the metabolism to function effectively. Can prevent the formation of kidney stones, too nutrition facts watermelon. The contribution of these incredible benefits of soft fruits burning sensation caused by mouth ulcers and sores nutrition facts watermelon.
Being rich in carotene, watermelon helps lower blood pressure. Helps eliminate toxins from the body and reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood nutrition watermelon.
This fruit is also useful for curing mild erectile dysfunction because it contains interline that can relax blood vessels nutrition facts watermelon. Eating this fruit can be used as a natural remedy to increase libido, too nutrition facts watermelon.
Here's an interesting video showing how to make watermelon juice nutrition watermelon.

Furthermore, watermelon protects the eyes related macular degeneration with age, glaucoma and other conditions associated with similar eye nutrition facts watermelon.

It is good for the brain and relieves symptoms of depression and nervous anxiety. It also works as an effective home remedy for besetting nutrition watermelon.
Nutrition, watermelon is considered good for health because it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin B, magnesium, potassium, thiamine, and so on.
While still wet, it is beneficial for diabetic patients. It is also good for people with arthritis and rheumatism nutrition watermelon.

The medicinal uses watermelon

• Eat fruit daily during the summer prevents heat stroke nutrition facts watermelon. Being rich in electrolytes and prevents dehydration nutrition watermelon.

• Consuming watermelon rind relieves heartburn and morning sickness during pregnancy. It also reduces muscle cramps nutrition watermelon.

• Boil a handful of watermelon seeds in water until the solution becomes thick. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning to get rid of intestinal parasites. Follow this treatment for a few days nutrition watermelon.

• Watermelon seeds dry in the sun for a day or two and boil two teaspoons of seeds in a cup of water for about an hour nutrition data watermelon. Allow to cool and filter the solution. Drink this medicine in your home to reduce blood pressure nutrition watermelon.
Health Benefits of Watermelon
• Drinking tea seed watermelon may be useful in treating urinary tract infections nutrition watermelon.

• Have a glass of watermelon juice in the morning on an empty stomach provides relief from headaches nutrition watermelon.

• benefits of watermelon seed oil in the natural treatment of rickets nutrition watermelon.

• Consuming watermelon seed tea cleanses the kidneys and bladder nutrition data watermelon. To make tea, pour two cups of hot water over a tablespoon of water melon seeds in the soil nutrition data watermelon.
Leave the solution for 15 minutes nutrition data watermelon, drain. Drinking this tea daily for three days. This therapeutic tea also helps to dissolve kidney stones nutrition watermelon.

• eating slices of watermelon mixed with a little salt cures black dry cough nutrition data watermelon.

• Only eat fruit for a couple of days relieves constipation nutrition watermelon.

• Rub a slice of cold watermelon can cure skin wounds nutrition watermelon.

• To treat acne naturally rub watermelon peel on the skin on a regular basis. Moreover, the consumption of this fruit and its juice nutrition watermelon.
Watermelon for Health
• The application of watermelon juice on the skin for about 15 minutes helps prevent wrinkles as it tightens the skin.

• regulate the use of a combination of watermelon pulp and yogurt in the skin serves as a natural remedy to exfoliate the skin and the spots fade. You can also mix a blend of watermelon, yogurt and banana and apply it as a mask for 15-20 minutes for a glowing skin.

• To get rid of blackheads and prevent sunburn, apply a combination of grated cucumber, watermelon juice, tomato juice and enough rice flour to form a paste. Immediately wash after 10-15 minutes.
Roasted watermelon seeds can be eaten as a snack or sprinkled on salads. You can also make watermelon seed tea or include seeds (ground) in soups to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes.
These seeds are rich in protein and low in carbohydrates. Also, you can pickle or macerate the fruit shell after removing the green nutrition data watermelon.


Watermelons do not cause significant side effects, since they are consumed in moderation. Excessive consumption of this fruit, however, can lead to hyperbole, especially in people with kidney disease nutrition data watermelon. May cause allergic reactions in people prone to celery, cucumber or latex allergies.

chili nutrition- benefits health and facts!

Pepper is a basic seasoning for dishes and aromas nutrition chili , dark green or red usually brilliant nutrition facts chili. If you cut the pepper, then find it in white stems containing capsicum oil as stinging cells of the tongue papillae nutrition chili . Ai has resulted in a chili pepper on the tongue when we eat. However, these substances are also prone people hooked and addicted to eating food nutrition facts chili.
However, behind the feeling of biting into a myriad of benefits and nutritional content of what we have not increased appetite more effective before.In has other benefits for the body.
For example, spicy chili taste amazing, contains vitamin C and beta-carotene (propitiating A) is said to be happy to beat in fruits like mango, pineapple, papaya and watermelon. Even after the study, the levels of minerals nutrition chili , especially calcium and phosphorus exceeded fish.Actually fees, among other types of peppers, red peppers contain vitamin C, which is higher, until doubled nutrition chili .
Breakfront although levels were higher in comparison with the green peppers, nine times. Most of the beta-carotene content in peppers is concentrated near the skin.
As for the other benefits of peppers are nutrition facts chili:
1. Healer accidentally cut his injury during cooking, usually your finger, it is a red medicine to heal. But even if you are already a member of iodine in the wound, pain / suffering remains strong flavor nutrition chili .
Alternative medicine is not only red, but also prevent infection immediately to relieve pain and bleeding in order to accelerate the healing process is the red pepper nutrition facts chili. The trick is dried and crushed red pepper until smooth nutrition chili .
After it is sprayed onto the wound chili beans nutrition. Chili powder wounds What pain do nutrition facts chili. Instead, chili stops very quickly that there is no pain and bleeding. This is due to capsicum in chili that relieve pain nutrition facts chili.
Two. High fever reliever Compared with conventional treatment, overcoming a high fever with chili is a cheap and easy fast nutrition chili .But that which is used instead of the fruit, but the leaves cabana nutrition facts chili.
The trick nutrition chili , first take a bunch of cayenne pepper leaves chili beans nutrition, then puree until smooth. Add 1 tablespoon salad oil and soup mix these two ingredients until smooth. After the dough ingredients in the crown or the whole body massage nutrition chili .
Cover the patient with a thick blanket nutrition facts chili. Before long, the body will sweat, so body heat will quickly deteriorate nutrition chili .
Three. Relieves colds and nasal congestion Because pepper contains capsicum, which can dilute the lenders to clogged mucus in the nasal cavity and the outside becomes liquid. As a result, the nose is blocked again nutrition chili . This is the case of sinusitis and cough with sputum.
April. Prevent Stroke Chillies can reduce the risk of stroke, blood clots, impotence and heart disease. Because, by consuming capsicum blood regularly maintain the thin crust and fat in the blood vessels will not form. Therefore nutrition chili , blood will flow smoothly. Therefore, the pepper is also effective in reducing blood clotting (thrombosis).
May. Relieve headache and I met with pain Ever listen to their advice if dizziness, spicy food? This advice is true because the spiciness caused capsicum can inhibit the activity of the brain when it receives the central nervous system pain Sonya chili beans nutrition. Inhibition of these signals travel reduce pain we suffer nutrition chili .
Besides chili is also effective in relieving migraine
June. Increase appetite Because capsicum can stimulate the production of hormones endorphins, hormones that can evoke feelings of pleasure and happiness. Therefore, increased appetite.
July nutrition chili . Lowers cholesterol and as a natural antibiotic
August. Contains antioxidants Which can be used to overcome infertility (sterility), an aphrodisiac nutrition chili , and slow the aging process chili beans nutrition
Of all the properties we have, if consumed in reasonable quantities nutrition chili , since otherwise it may result in devastating chili stomach pain penguins

nutrition melon- facts and health benefits

Melon is a fruit widely grown and consumed in the world. Usually, they are available throughout the year. They are one of the easiest fruits to grow they also need a little care and maintenance nutrition melon. There is a wide variety of melons long list includes many members of the plant family Luxuriance nutrition water melon. They are edible, fleshy fruits with special taste and nutritional value nutrition melon.


Each type of melon has its own uniqueness and appearance. Above all, lie through your skin or outer envelope nutrition melon. There is a great variety in terms of design, colors, shapes and weights nutrition melon. From green to bright yellow skin color of yellow, white, green, red meat, or light pink. Can be found in oblong, oval or round. Melons, melons, Crenshaw melon, Casaba, Ogden, Canary Islands nutrition honeydew melon, Persian, winter melon are few known types of melons. They all have their different shape, color, size, flavor nutrition water melon, taste and texture. Especially, melons are rich in water content that makes a refreshing and safe system for weight conscious people. They help to maintain health and fitness nutrition melon.

Here we will discuss bright yellow melons with a taste so smooth. They are oblong or oval with a sweet fragrance nutrition melon. The name of this particular treatment is the canary melon is also known as winter melon. He has a yellow exterior so bright with pale white flesh inside green nutrition melon. Name because of the bright canary reminiscent of a canary yellow. Here are some nutritional facts Canary melons.

Other nutritional values WWE

Calories: Melons are low in calories with a perfect fill factor that makes a healthy choice for weight reduction does nutrition honeydew melon. This means that you can add volume to your diet without increasing the number of calories nutrition melon. A cup of chopped melon provides only 80 calories. Melons are one of the fruits that help you feel full and satisfied his hunger with fewer calories and almost no fat nutrition honeydew melon. There is no saturated fat which makes it an ideal choice as a side dish or snack.

Fiber: A cup of cantaloupe also provides 5 grams of fiber which is essential for proper operation bodily functions that are involved primarily in digestion and colon health nutrition honeydew melon. Fiber also helps reduce the risk of death from heart problems nutrition melon.

Vitamins and minerals: Melons are very nutritious and have a lot of vitamins and minerals nutrition honeydew melon. Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium and glycogen are the reasons that make it perfect for a healthy and balanced diet. Melons copper provides a healthy skin and shiny fabric muscled ad nutrition melon.

Vitamin A is essential for normal growth and development of human beings. Vitamin B melon helps get rid of toxic elements from the body nutrition melon. It is a fat soluble vitamin that is useful to the membranes of the eyes, vision, skin and mucous membranes nutrition honeydew melon. A normal portion canary melon contributes 50% of the vitamin A you need in a day nutrition melon.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that has the power to heal wounds and bruises fast nutrition honeydew melon. It is essential to understand the canary melons in your diet before or after any type of surgical procedure. It helps your skin heal faster through encourages the body to produce collagen. Vitamin C in a food melons actually healthy to accelerate the healing process nutrition melon.

Potassium: Contribution of natural potassium, blood pressure decreases. Melons contain a high amount of potassium, which varies depending on the type of individual melon, but all types have a certain amount of potassium nutrition melon. Potassium for heart health protection is essential nutrition honeydew melon. Irregular heartbeat, muscle cramps, indigestion and weakness are some of the results of potassium deficiency. Adding melons increase potassium intake at steady state to prevent these diseases nutrition melon.

Health Benefits of Watermelon

Wonderfully delicious with a rich, melons are very low in calories (100 grams of fruit only 34 calories) and fats nutrition honeydew melon. However, the fruit is rich in many health promoting plant derived poly phenolic compounds nutrition water melon, vitamins and minerals that are absolute for optimal health nutrition melon.
• Fruit is an excellent source of vitamin A (3382 IU 100 g provides about 112% of the recommended daily levels) one of the highest among the fruits. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for vision nutrition honeydew melon. You also need to keep the mucous membranes and skin healthy nutrition honeydew melon. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin A is known to help protect against lung cancer and oral cavity nutrition melon.
• It is also rich in antioxidant flavored such as beta-carotene nutrition water melon, glutei, zeal-anything and corporation. These antioxidants have the ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body of free oxygen radicals and thereby protect against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung and pancreas nutrition melon.
• Resistance total antioxidant capacity measured in terms of oxygen radical absorbencies (ORA) FTE/100 cantaloupe is 315 moil g nutrition melon. The value of honey melon is 241 moil g FTE/100.
• Zeal-anything, an important dietary carotene selectively absorbed into the retinal macula lute of withe eye nutrition honeydew melon, which are thought to provide antioxidant and protective UV filtering functions light. Therefore, the eye provides protection "related macular degeneration with age" (AMD) in the elderly nutrition melon.
• It is a moderate source of potassium electrolyte nutrition water melon. 100 g of fruit provides 267 mg of the electrolyte nutrition melon. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids helps control heart rate and blood pressure nutrition honeydew melon. Therefore, it provides protection against coronary heart disease and stroke nutrition melon.
• The fruit also contains moderate levels of B vitamins, including niacin, antithetic acid and vitamin C and minerals like manganese nutrition melon. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge free radicals of oxygen, damaging. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme super oxide dismounts nutrition water melon. Commercially, melons are used to extract the enzyme super oxide dismounts (SOD) plays a vital role as a strong antioxidant defenses first line inside the human body nutrition melon.

banana nutrition- benefits and facts the truth about it !

The banana is a fruit very nutritious and beneficial for the entire year with ease banana nutrition . The use of banana is a natural and effective solution for many diseases nutrition facts banana. Banana is unsurpassed in providing the natural beauty of the human skin. It is used to improve and increase the fluidity and efficiency of the digestive system. It strengthens the stomach. It keeps our body in various minerals such as potassium banana calories nutrition, phosphorus, calcium and nitrogen. Natural Freshwater present in a banana helps maintain proper health and also helps in digestion and assimilation of food we eat nutrition facts banana(Assimilation is the process by which the food consumed is absorbed in the blood) banana nutrition .

If a banana is compared with an apple, banana reflecting has four times the protein, which contains the contents of 2-fold higher carbohydrate content three times higher phosphorus banana calories nutrition, five times higher in vitamin A and iron banana nutrition , also twice as high in all the vitamins and minerals in an apple. Therefore, the word famous apple can be modified to say, "A banana a day keeps the doctor away."



Mix a ripe banana and yogurt is a great remedy for diarrhea nutrition facts banana. Diarrhea is common in young children and infants, this banana should be mixed in a paste and a pinch of salt should be added banana nutrition . This is an effective solution to this problem.


Banana is used as an excellent natural skin cleanser nutrition facts banana. Facial mask made of a banana keeps the skin clean and soft banana calories nutrition, this is the best tonic for the skin. Take half a banana and make a paste, then add a tablespoon of milk powder and a few drops of essence of rose flower, and apply to face, neck and arms nutrition facts banana. Wash immediately after half an hour nutrition facts banana. This contributes to the hydration of the skin and radiant and fresh banana nutrition .

For a natural glow of the skin, there is a very good method to have half a banana and make a paste banana calories nutrition, add the white of an egg in it and a tablespoon yogurt. Mix ingredients thoroughly, apply the mask on your face and rinse after 15 minutes nutrition facts banana. This gives a natural glow to the skin, similar to a light received after a professional salon facial banana nutrition .


Besides being rich in minerals and vitamins banana nutrition , banana has a high energy content. Can not be judged by the fact that just two bananas to get enough energy for individual appointments hour with ease banana nutrition . It is advisable to eat bananas at the time of day when you feel tired and exhausted nutrition facts banana.

Reduce tensions

Potassium banana calories nutrition, which is present in a fairly generous in a banana, is an essential mineral that plays very critical tasks in our body banana nutrition . Potassium maintains normal heart rhythm, it delivers oxygen to the brain and also maintains the osmotic balance in our body nutrition facts banana. When we experience stress, our potassium level is less than our normal increases metabolic rate. Banana is rich in potassium, if consumed in that time is used to replace potassium thereby reducing our potassium levels in normal principle, to normalize the blood banana nutrition .

Banana keeps us calm, as it contains vitamin B which relaxes the nervous system. Using banana to calm nerves is an excellent solution for anxiety. This has a positive effect on the mood of the person banana nutrition , because he is gay and happy. Banana is also used to treat problems in the human body as a result of climate change. A protein called "crypto" is in a banana mood changes naturally the person to lift his spirits and makes you feel relaxed banana nutrition .


Using bananas helps a person to quit smoking. Vitamins B and B, which are in a banana helps reduce the effect of nicotine is present in cigarettes banana nutrition . Although the actual process is that the vitamins reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal so that the person can easily quit because nicotine is addictive banana nutrition .


Due to a high potassium banana nutrition , low salt content, banana not adversely affect blood pressure nutrition facts banana. In fact, it is considered to control and contain the blood pressure banana nutrition .

Hemoglobin production

Iron, which is present in a large amount of a banana, is that in the formation of hemoglobin found in red blood cells to carry oxygen banana nutrition . Eating banana provides this essential element in the formation of hemoglobin banana nutrition .


Fibers, but does not provide power for us, but included in a balanced diet, because due to their quality indigestible keeps our digestive system in shape and condition. The fiber is excreted in the feces undigested banana nutrition . Banana contains "pectin" and fiber dissolution "hydro colloid" that holds the fibers clean digestive system. It also helps to get rid of a person with chronic constipation banana nutrition .

nutrition grapes - Fact and Benefits

Grapes, one of the most popular and delicious fruit is healthy nutrition grapes . Grapes are one of the most scientifically studied in the modern diet nutrition data grapes. Researchers try to focus on grape seed and grape skin extracts of the same nutrition facts grapes, with the same attention to red wine and grape juice nutrition facts grapes. The main reason behind this interest is that the fruit richly pigmented grape is full of powerful antioxidants and photochemical that are known to promote good health nutrition grapes . Suva is called the "Queen of Fruits" and banks of many health-promoting plant such as poly phenolic antioxidants nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Drastic reduction in blood pressure, protection against asthma nutrition data grapes, migraine, constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders, macular degeneration, cataracts, high cholesterol, edema, decreased cardiac function improves heart muscle damage and antibacterial activity are just some of the many benefits of grapes.

The grapes are wonderful medicines of nature that are full of vitamins , minerals, antioxidants and photo many nutrients and are very healthy for us nutrition grapes .

A study by the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center serves as a confirmation of your health is to eat grapes nutrition data grapes. They and many other scientists believe that antioxidants naturally in grapes can activate a "protective process in the genes that reduces damage to the heart." Drinking grape juice offers more health benefits than red wine to offer nutrition grapes , without the risks that come with drinking nutrition grapes . Recent experience has shown that grape seed extract may counteract inflammation caused by poor nutrition nutrition grapes .

Another study showed that reverter nutrition data grapes, the "healthy red wine" containing the grapes are effective in blocking cell signaling pathway has been linked to more than 85% of sporadic colon cancers nutrition grapes . Reverter is a miracle drug of Mother Nature. This is actually a synthesized by plants for protection molecule that is effective in protecting humanity itself of heart disease, cancer and many others nutrition grapes .

It's like a miracle drug that major pharmaceutical companies try to imitate the molecule to develop a drug to treat heart disease nutrition grapes , maintain a healthy balance of cholesterol and also supports a longer duration. The reverter actually works by changing the molecular mechanisms in blood vessels to reduce the risk of stroke nutrition data grapes. This is achieved by reverter by reducing the sensitivity of the first blood vessel damage by decreasing the activity of antidotes and then through an increased production of the vasodilator nutrition grapes , nitric oxide.

Strawberry Nutrition Facts and benefits

Strawberries, besides having a good taste, but also have many nutritional benefits. They are rich in vitamins and minerals fresh strawberry calories, and are used in various drugs in weight loss, beauty and health nutrition strawberry.

Very good source of vitamin C

Strawberries have high antioxidant activity nutrition data strawberries. A cup a day (corresponding to 5-8 large strawberries) gives more vitamin C than the recommended daily dose nutrition strawberry.

The anti-inflammatory effect of the cutter due to phenols that reduce the activity of the enzyme COX causing inflammation nutrition data strawberries. Anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the activity of this enzyme fresh strawberry calories, thereby reducing inflammation found in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, asthma and cancer nutrition strawberry.

Helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol control nutrition data strawberries

Strawberries are rich in potassium and magnesium, which is very effective in reducing high blood pressure caused by sodium nutrition strawberry. It is a fruit rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol nutrition strawberry.

You can protect fresh strawberry calories the brain against aging and memory loss

Strawberries contain poly phenols that may protect the brain against aging and memory loss. Poly phenols contribute to good memory, health and stimulation nutrition strawberry. In addition to the valuable antioxidants nutrition data strawberries, strawberries are many other nutrients and contribute effectively to the prevention of many diseases nutrition strawberry.

Strawberries for beauty and health

Strawberries are rich in fiber nutrition data strawberries, which makes it a good choice for weight loss. A two-year study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that people who consumed an additional 8 grams of fiber per day (1,000 calories) lost about 4 1/2 pounds nutrition strawberry.

They aid digestion

As a rich source of fiber nutrition data strawberries, which help combat constipation and have a diuretic and laxative that helps to detoxify the body nutrition strawberry.

Strawberries are the best tools for cleaning teeth

Strawberry is one of the best tools for cleaning teeth whitener excellent properties of specific stains left by coffee nutrition data strawberries, tea, cigarettes, while protecting the buildup of plaque fresh strawberry calories. Simply crush strawberries and rub your teeth well with the pulp nutrition strawberry.

How to buy strawberries

Strawberries are among the most contaminated by pesticides for food carefully.
Do not have wrinkles and wounds clean, uniform, with bright, green leaves on top and visible hairs on its surface. Buy those with small or normal nutrition data strawberries. Do not overdo it in the amounts that will spoil quickly nutrition strawberry.
Organic strawberries are a good solution, they just cost more.
Who should not eat strawberries

People with an ulcer nutrition data strawberries, inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel are best to avoid eating strawberries because they are responsible for allergic rashes because their surface hairs nutrition strawberry.
Also, people who suffer from kidney disease, thyroid disease, or have problems with the gallbladder, but do not take drugs.
In general, people with allergies should be careful when eating strawberries if you notice that you are allergic to them, you should ask your doctor nutrition strawberry.

How to keep fresh strawberries

Strawberries are a delicate fruit so they will not be left at room temperature for more than two hours. You can, however, have in the fridge for two days, provided no washed and kept green leaf on them nutrition strawberry.
Strawberries should be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic container with perforated lid to allow the passage of cold air nutrition strawberry.
You should wash before eating, as the rough surface favors the accumulation of dust and fertilizers nutrition strawberry.
Do not soak when washing: they lose their flavor and color. It's best to put them in a colander and run a lot of water. Be sure to eat immediately after washing.
Strawberry Nutrition Facts are full of useful information. The information provided by these elements is essential in preparing strawberry healthy eating. Unlike other fruit bunches, a portion of the feed mill should be kept in a cup on a balanced meal. Therefore, the need to be informed about nutrition guide cutter is essential nutrition strawberry.

Nutritional value of strawberries

Strawberry nutrition facts based on a portion of a cup of strawberries must provide the following nutrients:

A total of forty-six calories.
One gram of sodium.
Eleven grams of total carbohydrates, 4% of the daily value.
Three grams of dietary fiber which represents 12% of the daily value.
Seven grams of sugars.
141% of the daily value of vitamin C, 3% DV of iron and 2% DV of calcium.

fitness cherry- Fact and Benefits

There are many health benefits we can get from the cherry. Cherries are one of the fruits low in calories but are rich source of nutrients fitness cherry, vitamins and minerals. Cherries have a taste so smooth, that make a healthy alternative to snacks like candy or cookies. Cherries are also a great addition to a wide variety of breakfast, lunch and dinner fitness cherry.

Cherries widely studied its benefits in the fight against cancer nutrition cherry. The results so far show that eating fruit is very useful in the fight against cancer of the organs health benefits cherries. The antioxidants in cherries may fight free radicals fitness cherry, unstable molecules that can damage cells in the human body, so it is supposed to slow the aging process nutrition cherry.

Research shows that the red pigment Anthony cherries help reduce inflammation and pain. Cherries are also known to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes fitness cherry. The study found that people who eat cherries every day have lower cholesterol and lower triglycerides fitness cherry.

Cherry Nutrition Made

The cherries are delicious and nutritious has many essential ingredients such as antioxidants, minerals, pelagic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A, isolationism, melatonin, antihistamines and puerilely health benefits cherries.

Cherry fruits are very rich in antioxidants melatonin constant nutrition cherry. Melatonin can cross the blood brain barrier easily and soothing effects on neurons in the brain barrier, calm irritability of the nervous system fitness cherry, which helps relieve neurosis, insomnia and headache conditions nutrition cherry. In addition, they are also a good source of minerals like potassium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. Potassium is a heart healthy mineral, an important component of cell and body fluids that regulate heart rate and blood pressure fitness cherry.

See the table below for more details about Cherry is the nutrition and

Health Benefits of Cherry

Skin Beauty
One of the reasons why you should do the cherry as favorite fruit is a high vitamin A carotene it contains fitness cherry. Both nutrients are necessary for immunity and beautify the skin health benefits cherries. This fruit also contains 20 times more than strawberries and blueberries nutrition cherry.

Natural Insomnia Drug
If you suffer from frequent insomnia, cherries can do a good job to help you sleep. Melatonin induces sleep fitness cherry. When you want to sleep more quickly, try adding some cherries on the dinner menu nutrition cherry.

Preventing dementia and Alzheimer's disease
The efficiency is also the brains of the cherry. You keep dementia. This is because antioxidants called antihistamines fitness cherry. This substance is known as food to improve brain power.

In patients with arthritis, the fruit is highly recommended. Health Benefits of Cherry is also an anti-inflammatory fitness cherry. Or if you feel tired after a workout, this fruit is the right snack energy production nutrition cherry.

Fight against cancer
Cherries also contributed as body armor from a variety of cancers. Its operation is very simple. As an antioxidant that releases the body against free radicals causes cells and tissues fitness cherry.

One of the health benefits you can get cherry fruit. Helps reduce the risk of diabetes. Antihistamines contained in this document is believed to increase insulin production. Of course, you should avoid foods with excess sweetness fitness cherry.

Weight loss
A cherry is made up of over 75 percent water fitness cherry. This water content makes cherry a great loss food foods that are high in water and low in calories so you feel fuller for a period of foods and beverages high in calories weight longer fitness cherry. Cherries also are rich in soluble fiber health benefits cherries. This water soluble fiber accelerating weight loss and reduces the cholesterol level to decrease their absorption into the blood nutrition cherry.

diet avocado- Benefits and tips!

The vegetable is explored attorney this month diet avocado. Did you know that the lawyer is actually a subtropical laurel? Or Avocado (Persia Americana) is a native of Puebla, Mexico. The avocado is a parent of laurel, cinnamon and camphor plants. There is still a virgin Mexico native variety called Creole diet avocado: skin small, dark, with a large seed  avocado benefits.

Avocados are a good source of nutrients to add to your diet avocado tips. They contain monounsaturated fats, the good kind that lower cholesterol diet avocado. Lawyer of vitamins, especially K, E, C and B avocado benefits. They contain folic acid and potassium, good for cellular health. Avocados are a good source of fiber. Attorney shall be deemed to act as a boost in nutrients, allowing the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and glutei in the food we eat with them avocado benefits. 1 ounce of avocado has 50 calories diet avocado.

Plant Sense image avocado tips
Nourishing and creamy
Adding plant food on their menu? avocado benefits There are so many ways to use lawyer. Avocado soup, salad, or take a dip. The best veggie sandwich - avocado, tomato, cheese avocado benefits, sprouts on pita bread or healthy. Split and stuffed with crab or shrimp salad diet avocado. Guacamole guacamole salad or chopped. What about turkey wrap / lawyer or my favorite, bacon, avocado and cheese .. mummers avocado benefits. Half an avocado, diced onion in a tortilla with cheese is delicious and hot. Maybe you just enjoy avocado on toast, spread like butter. Here's an idea - next time you make ranch dressing, mashed a lawyer on it to the best green dressing or use as sauce vegetarian goddess. Even seen pinko fried or grilled and division diet avocado.

When you purchase the lawyer's eyes solid film with the branch "pug" always on him. Attorney ripen in a few days when placed by other fruit, so that the purchase plan accordingly. Keep lawyer at room temperature until ripe, then place in the refrigerator to slow the ripening process diet avocado. Only keep for a couple of days in the fridge without going inside black.

Historically, the first Rom attorney Mexico has migrated to Jamaica. Records indicate that he was introduced to Indonesia in 1750 and Brazil in 1809. Attorney traveled to Australia and South Africa diet avocado, late nth century.

Interesting Facts:
Common names for the lawyer is "avocado" and "butter fruit".
An average avocado tree produces about 1,200 lawyers a year
Lawyer needs a climate without frost and with little wind. Strong winds reduce humidity, dehydrated flowers and affect pollination diet avocado.
The Aztec name for avocado was "maniacal" meaning testicle.
Fall brook, California claim to be the "Avocado Capital of the World"
95% of avocado production in the United States comes from Southern California
Attorney is used to treat malnutrition diet avocado, colon and stomach.
Lawyer can be consumed by people with ulcers avocado tips.
It is said to help male impotence and help women during menopause diet avocado.

cow nutrition- the best tips

Cattle can be a difficult task nutrition cow. Its operation depends on the health of their animals. If you want to raise healthy animals nutrition cow, it is necessary to ensure that they receive the proper nutrition dairy nutrition cow. The cattle are fed the right diet program can have a significant impact on your overall wellness and quality of their product. Here are some suggestions to keep in mind with regard to nutrition of dairy you nutrition cow:

Make sure you always eat enough cow tongue nutrition. They eat grass or fodder stored, it is essential that they receive the proper amount of food nutrition cow. When cattle are not getting the right portions cow tongue nutrition, the quality of your final product will suffer. It is essential that they have access to food that will keep them healthy nutrition cow.
Incorporate nutrition forage inoculates. The use of forage inoculates has been shown to increase homo lactic fermentation can mean a better quality of milk nutrition. Look at different types of forage inoculates to make an informed decision about the right combination for their livestock.
Make sure your cows are hydrated with water. Always keep your cattle hydrated is very important for your health nutrition cow. This can be from a spring, pond, spray tank, or other source of water cow tongue nutrition. The recommended amount of water can vary depending on the weight of the cow and the type of cow that is cow tongue nutrition. Dairy cows often need much more water than cattle, especially when producing milk nutrition cow.
Give your lame cows. Cows should have salt daily to be healthy and have a good milk supply. Cattle need a certain amount of minerals to stop the problems of health and illness occur. Forage inoculates addition cow feet nutrition, providing access to a salt block can ensure that they receive the proper amount of minerals they need nutrition cow.
Keep an eye on your overall health. The health of your livestock can be a great indicator of whether or not adequately feed their needs. It is recommended to consult a trusted veterinarian can answer any questions you may have about the health of their animals.

Take care of your pets is important for your welfare. Make sure you get the right amount of forage inoculates, food, salt or water, can have an impact on nutrition, in addition to helping your business in the long run cow feet nutrition.

diet tiger- the truth about it !

Tiger Woods is more than just a golfer.

He is really a great athlete diet tiger. In fact, it is one of the fittest athletes on the planet. Yes, his personal life has attracted a lot of criticism. Purpose If you love him or despise him, you can not ignore a significant fact. This man has an amazing physics tiger eating habits. Old Time the keys to success in golf is his dedication to fitness diet tiger. Although golf is a sport often When overweight and out of shape can still compete at the professional leave tiger sharks diet, Tiger, who refuse to fall into the trap tiger eating habits. That factotum tiger believed to be in the best possible way, you can give yourself solid advantage tiger eating habits. There are three basic elements to the training exercise Tiger Woods: cardio, flexibility training and strength training tiger sharks diet. Of course, maintaining a healthy diet.

Who says players can not be fitness models?
Tiger Woods Every morning begins with a cardio workout tiger sharks diet.

For anyone looking to burn more fat in the morning is the best time for cardio schedule diet tiger. The reasoning behind this is simple tiger eating habits. His body has not taken any food for a while tiger sharks diet, all of which requires steal of body fat reserves to fuel the workout diet tiger. You do not want to fall into a monotonous routine diet tiger. Do what makes Tiger and change your cardio routine. Biking and jogging are two cardio routines usually used. Their careers are typically or three miles at a fast pace or up to 7 miles to a slower pace. Sprinting Intervals are sometimes included in its execution workouts too. The use of various types of cardio in your routine helps to keep things interesting while Aussie prevent burnout diet tiger.

Instead of bulky muscle mass, Tiger Woods focuses on weight training workout tones your current muscle mass diet tiger.

To prepare for his muscles lifting His routine diet tiger, start weight training your cardio cash right in the morning diet tiger. It then performs the weights for a couple of hours of work both the upper and lower body diet tiger. His routine involves lighter weights especially in the high rep range (sometimes up to 50 repetitions) tiger sharks diet. The idea is to help build stamina rather than putting in a lot of dough All that is the goal of bodybuilders has own train in the 6-12 rep range tiger sharks diet. Resistance is a key part of the strategy of Tiger, which means grouping Because you can spend all day swinging club spent time when others begin to fade diet tiger.

There are some exercises Tiger focuses more on Why He's a golfer tiger sharks diet. You may be thinking that he probably has good arm strength, so much works the biceps. However, this is not necessarily the case. Golfers require constant body lower base. Because the torque is critical to the intensity of the oscillation, the core body is more important than the arms diet tiger. The spiral and the release of all the upper body is what Tiger Lets break drives over 300 yards. This means clustering is a very strong swing created by the back tiger sharks diet, shoulders, legs and core tiger eating habits. These are the muscle groups that emphasizes Tiger falling in strength training diet tiger.

Did they just do the cardio routine is always mixed.

He EMPLOYEES strength training methods tiger sharks diet, similar to the way the exchange for their different cardio routine diet tiger. Routine Strength training includes tiger body resistance exercises, traditional weightlifting and isometric training tiger sharks diet. All the Old routines Aussie includes plenty of flexibility training. Sometimes, he will extend up to 40 minutes before exercise. Flexibility can improve balance and posture, both of which are all important parts of a good golf swing. As you can see, always train in a way that will improve your golf game diet tiger.

Tiger Palo Primal to a diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein.

As you may have seen in my other blogs, I firmly believe that your appearance is about 80% dependent on what you eat. If Tiger Woods was reckless with their nutritional needs, physical Their suffer dramatically diet tiger, even taking into account his vigorous workout. HOWEVER, really ardent many ways that can improve your diet. For breakfast, enjoy is usually a veggie egg white omelet. For the rest of the day, seafood, lean meats, salads and vegetables are staples of the diet when Viejo tiger sharks diet. The carbohydrates you ingest does not primarily come from vegetables, fruit and sports drinks are used to refuel falling on his body falls into a workout. For snacks, most golf fans is looking with a banana or an apple while moving between holes on the course tiger eating habits. I definitely would not be with a greasy burger and fries diet tiger!

Welcome to the gun show!
There is a reason Tiger Woods has-been long revered as the best golfer of the Earth: is dedicated to being a successful athlete in all eyes diet tiger.

By that, I mean you have developed a routine, a very healthy diet and most importantly of all, a laser focus on the task ahead. The Tiger Woods workout is not about training harder and harder diet tiger, it is smart training tiger sharks diet. You almost never hear of Tiger suffers from exhaustion and that's because he changes his routine and makes sure to get plenty of rest. Although viewers can see what pushed himself falling into a competition diet tiger, your workouts are reasonable. As we have come to expect from Tiger Woods diet tiger, all designed to help you win. Sometimes a golfer You need only a small amount of additional force a full year or extended amount of resistance difficult shot for a tournament that extends past 72 holes. The strength and endurance that could determine the winner of a championship diet tiger. When you stick to your routine, Tiger Woods is an unstoppable power diet tiger.

fitness horse - Unleashing the real power

fitness horse Leo is back in action!

It was cold and windy Tuesday horse fit and hopes to learn from Sally being in the room fitness horse - but nope! They were out of the ring! I guess you can not go after being in Aiken for 3 months. Leo was fantastic! This is the first time since early March jumped fitness horse. Sally said it was the best I'd seen jumping so needless to say I'm very happy with the hock injections. Everything that happened this winter has made me hyper aware horse fit of how my training program will affect muscle development and the level of pain. Bring at work last week, we walked for 30-45 minutes every day, with a little thrown in trot and canter to walk, I joined a day's journey on the road and trails. I was a little worried that the lesson did not go enough, but it felt good the next day horse fit.

Sally approved endurance horses my decision to target CTA Horse Trials that my first race of the season fitness horse. She told Leo looks happy and is in a great weight to get fit should be no problem. I sent my entry this week! I'm excited endurance horses!
Calendar of Events

Wednesday did trot sets c field (5 minutes of jogging, 2 minutes walk horse fit, repeat 3 times). I set my watch and boy Leo excited when started ringing! Let's make more games trot next Saturday and add three sets to curb galloping weeks mix fitness horse horse fit.

Jimmy Woodford published extensively on fitness - there is a whole chapter in his book of horse training for 3 days and rider fitness horse. In this article from Practical Horseman, said, "Overall, I think the horse is probably fit enough for beginners and training of competition if they can slow canter twice the distance (or a little more), your trip through country. Whether you're headed to a cross-country test for five minutes, gradually build your horse to canter you can brake a total of 10-12 minutes. When asked the amount of work, should not tolerate easily fitness horse. Temperature should be more or less normal horse fit, and the pulse and respiration should return to near its base personnel within seven minutes horse fit. "

The games are heating trot to gallop games fitness horse. Gallop 10-12 minutes should be divided into time series and should be a goal, not something that comes on the first day. He said the goal galloping for 9 minutes to start (3 minutes gallop sets 400 mm) and build sets gallop 4 minutes fitness horse.

horse fit You never know what life holds for us ...

I found a great blog the other day (Google search Even ting Blog "): CE Conquer.'s Blog continues rider and his horse Maggie Patrick, the Divine Comedy (Dante). Whatever is fresh and different from this blog? Maggie never competed above rookie before Dante, who is not a professional fitness horse. She is an amateur racer who juggles work horse fitness horse. was put Dante when he was four years, and together they made it all the way up to the advanced level of the sport horse fit ! Maggie said on his blog that he had no idea how they would go. She never considered doing all the way forward, it happened that way fitness horse. Dante was not a great driver - who jumped over his shoulder at lower levels and does not seem at all scope. But got bigger fences that kept jumping higher fitness horse."Dante never as big as he jumped, jumped always as big as your need .endurance horses .." Here's her story and is great!

fitness horse Stretching Anatomy

Thanks to my new anatomy book, I learned about the Michal ligament fitness horse. Support the Michal ligament is the head and neck of the horse, and helps maintain spinal posture. In essence, it allows the horse to sleep standing, the neck muscles may be at rest and the Michal ligament holds the head. In dressage, the neck muscles are responsible for the education of the vote and carrying the head in a more advanced level horse fit. When training, these muscles get tired manifests a whimsical horse and tough fitness horse. In these cases, the horse should be encouraged to stretch down. This allows the Michal ligament into play and absorb the weight of the head and neck, allowing muscles to relax and recover. When teaching the ligament of the neck, back and chest rise fitness horse, which in turn helps to develop the muscles of the back.

endurance horses Other interesting anecdotes relating to anatomy ....

Horses can see near and far at the same time fitness horse. Combined with almost panoramic vision, and it's amazing that once their attention fitness horse.
Horses do not see much in the red spectrum - so the next time you need to skip a red fence of fear, do not worry :)
Overheating can damage the tendons, so that the boots should be well ventilated and explains why so many new boots c focus on improving air flow fitness horse.
Lower leg injuries are slow to heal due to poor circulation in the lower extremities endurance horses
The anatomy of the brain of a horse does not allow all actions pre-meditation. They can respond to a situation based on memory and instinct.
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