Nutrition pomegranate- Facts & Health Benefits

Pomegranate fruit is often known as Punic grandaunt which has many benefits for health and beauty. Many of us face on television that offers a variety of drinks pomegranate efficiency. Pomegranate fruit is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that are very useful for the body to protect against free radicals nutrition pomegranate. The use of pomegranate as free radical scavengers is simple pomegranate seeds nutrition, that is, to treat as juice or eat immediately nutrition facts pomegranate. In terms of beauty pomegranate seeds nutrition, grenades may also be used as a skin cleanser and an antidote to inflammation of the skin nutrition facts pomegranate.

The nutritional value of pomegranate

The calories in 100 grams each grenade is 83 calories, the same size of pomegranate has cholesterol at all nutrition pomegranate. Pomegranates are rich in antioxidant poly phenols, such as tannins and antihistamines nutrition facts pomegranate. Medical research has shown that people who consumed pomegranate juice per day may experience a variety of benefits, reducing cholesterol, get more vitamin C pomegranate seeds nutrition, and increases blood flow to the heart. This means that pomegranate juice is also effective in keeping the heart to stay healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke nutrition pomegranate.

Health benefits of pomegranate

A source of nutrient rich foods contain photochemical, high levels of flavored and poly phenols, pomegranate has gained popularity as a "miracle fruit" because of the powerful antioxidant properties that protect against many diseases nutrition facts pomegranate. In addition to the antioxidant properties pomegranate seeds nutrition, which also contain anti-inflammatory and antiviral offering potential therapeutic benefits nutrition pomegranate.

antioxidant properties of pomegranate
A rich source of antioxidants, pomegranates crisp are one of the few fruits fruit juice or seeds is also beneficial nutrition facts pomegranate. The juice contains more antioxidants than red wine or green tea pomegranate seeds nutrition. The skin contains the highest amounts of antioxidants, which are released when the fruit is sent for juicing nutrition pomegranate.

Granada helps fight free radicals
Full of antioxidants, buffers grenades free radicals produced in the body. Free radicals cause oxidation are due to internal and external sources such as exposure to harmful environmental toxins, chemical contaminants and dangerous rays of the sun nutrition facts pomegranate.

Benefits of Pomegranate reduces bad cholesterol
Packed with antioxidant vitamins and enzymes, pomegranates prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, lowering bad cholesterol namely low density lipoprotein (LD) and increase good cholesterol HD (high density lipoprotein) nutrition facts pomegranate.

Grenades play the role of aspirin, which prevents blood platelets from sticking together to form dangerous blood clots that usually lead to atherosclerosis nutrition facts pomegranate. Several studies indicate that the anti thrombotic property of fruit out to prevent the formation of blood clots also help reverse atherosclerotic plaque nutrition pomegranate.

The acts of the pomegranate as an anticoagulant, which provide good blood circulation to the heart and throughout the body nutrition pomegranate.

Benefits of Pomegranate blood pressure
One study also found that pomegranates help lower blood pressure in people with hypertension because they contain potassium nutrition facts pomegranate. Therefore, it is very beneficial for persons with high blood pressure or hypertension nutrition pomegranate.

Coronary artery disease
According to studies pomegranate seeds nutrition, pomegranate may improve blood flow to the heart more than a third, which keeps arteries clear decrease the chance of developing heart problems, including heart disease, hypertension and coronary heart disease nutrition pomegranate.

Pomegranates contain high levels of antioxidants called flavored, which are very effective in neutralizing cancer-causing free radicals nutrition facts pomegranate. Pelagic acid in cancer cells grenades are agents that induce apoptosis, a process that causes the destruction of the destruction of cancer cells. Drinking juice or just eat fruit regularly to help fight cancer and slows the growth of cancer cells nutrition pomegranate.

According to studies by the University of Lima Linda of California, Alzheimer's disease is the accumulation of plaque in the dead brain cells. However, vitamin B rich pomegranate riboflavin, thiamine and niacin content can reduce the accumulation of harmful proteins and help slow the degeneration of the brain associated with the onset of Alzheimer's disease nutrition pomegranate.

Grenades for the immune system
Antioxidants and vitamin C in grenades support the immune system to develop resistance to infection and enhancing immunity nutrition pomegranate.

Pomegranate Benefits for digestive health
Granada plays a key role in the secretion of enzymes nutrition facts pomegranate. Therefore this fruit improves digestion function. They contain good amounts of fiber, which regulates bowel movements pomegranate seeds nutrition. Thus, for centuries, have been used in Curved medicine to treat diarrhea and dysentery. They also act as a laxative and help increase bowel peristalsis and relieve constipation nutrition pomegranate.

From grenades improve digestive health, stimulate appetite nutrition facts pomegranate.

Cold and flu
Loaded with vitamin C grenades can help prevent the symptoms of flu and colds nutrition pomegranate.

Sore throat
Due to its anti-inflammatory, pain relief grenades and redness of the throat nutrition pomegranate.

Another advantage is that pomegranate juice with its antibacterial and antiviral properties, helping to reduce the effects of the plate nutrition pomegranate.

Pomegranate Benefits for Men

The Greeks credited with aphrodisiac qualities grenade, that has been proven by modern science pomegranate seeds nutrition. Researchers at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh have found that men and women who drank a daily glass of juice for a couple of weeks have seen a surge of testosterone, a hormone that stimulates sexual desire in both sexes nutrition pomegranate.

Erectile Dysfunction
With improved blood circulation, pomegranates are an excellent remedy for erectile dysfunction in men nutrition facts pomegranate. Therefore, regular consumption of fruits can be beneficial nutrition pomegranate. New studies show a glass of pomegranate juice a day outside to relieve erectile dysfunction, may even increase sperm quality nutrition pomegranate.

Prostate Cancer
The antioxidant properties of pomegranate can also help in the fight against prostate cancer in men nutrition facts pomegranate. According to a study by the University of California, drinking pomegranate juice helps to stabilize the PSA, which is released in the incidence rate of prostate cancer in men with this compound disease nutrition pomegranate. This result indicates that pomegranate juice can help in the fight against the development of prostate cancer for those with a family history nutrition pomegranate.

Pomegranate Benefits for Women
Pregnant women
Pomegranate juice is an excellent source of folic acid, which is necessary for the healthy development of babies nutrition pomegranate. Folic acid is a necessary element in the formation of red blood cells and DNA nutrition facts pomegranate. Therefore, women with high levels of folic acid in early pregnancy were more likely to have healthier babies nutrition pomegranate.

Morning sickness
Pomegranate juice is also helpful in preventing morning sickness nutrition pomegranate.

Neonatal brain
Studies show that pregnant women at risk of preterm birth may protect the neonatal brain by drinking pomegranate juice, which prevents damage to the child's brain due to inadequate blood flow nutrition pomegranate. Anti inflammatory juice contains flavored that make blood vessels remain open and allow adequate access to all parts of the body of the infant's blood nutrition pomegranate.

PMS and menopausal symptoms
Granada helps balance estrogen levels in women nutrition pomegranate. Therefore, the daily consumption of a glass of pomegranate juice or pomegranate seeds can help fight PMS and provide relief of hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause nutrition pomegranate.

The most recent discovery of the health benefits of pomegranate extracts recommended that the fruit could prevent the onset of osteoarthritis nutrition facts pomegranate. Samples damaged by osteoarthritis were treated with human cartilage extract by scientists at the U.S. and found that inhibits production of the enzyme responsible for the damage nutrition pomegranate. So, drink a glass of pomegranate juice or eating a whole pomegranate daily can inhibit the onset of osteoarthritis. However, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of the extract of cartilage consumer protection nutrition pomegranate.

Granada has an iron content nutrition facts pomegranate. Therefore, support blood circulation and help to relieve the symptoms of anemia, such as tiredness, dizziness and weakness nutrition pomegranate. The content of vitamin C in pomegranates also helps improve the absorption of iron in the body nutrition pomegranate.

Pomegranate Benefits for healthy skin
Pomegranate is a good source of powerful antioxidants with vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E are known to protect the skin against free radicals and help fight skin wrinkles pomegranate seeds nutrition. Besides this an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin is one of the causes of acne. Vitamin C in grenades helps regulate sebum production, preventing acne nutrition pomegranate. Because of its iron content nutrition facts pomegranate, which is a component of hemoglobin, grenades help absorb oxygen and bringing the skin rejuvenation and provide a soft and smooth texture which makes them visibly smooth nutrition pomegranate.

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