nutrition potato- health benefits and facts

Potato a starchy tuberous crop grown worldwide nutrition facts potato, is an essential nutrient in revenue in many countries around the world nutrition potato. Besides grain rice, wheat and maize nutrition data potato, the potato is the most consumed crop in the world nutrition facts potato. Although no vegetable dish is not complete without the presence of potatoes, several countries in which only the potato is the staple food. The tuber was discovered almost four centuries around the Andes today find their place in the kitchen of each region nutrition facts potato. However, due to the high content of carbohydrates and calories, potatoes are a vegetable avoided by many nutrition data potato. Well, the fact is that potatoes are filling and not fattening, contrary to popular belief that most of us live with nutrition data potato. In addition, you will be pleased to know that potatoes have more in store for you than just unwanted calories, making sure you stay healthy nutrition facts potato. Here are some health benefits of eating potatoes, making them an essential nutrient in the diet for health nutrition potato.


The first floor of the potato was discovered in Peru in South America. In late 3000 and early 2000 BC BC, potato is grown as a house plant in Peru nutrition facts potato. Later, the Peruvians have realized that potatoes grown in cold storage are also rich in nutrients nutrition potato. This has led to the production of potatoes as chinos nutrition data potato, tubers of plants when exposed to the cold of the night. Pope first arrived in Europe through the hands of sailors traveling from Peru to Spain. Historians believe that the sailors were potatoes and corn enough for their food needs during the trip and found increasingly in Europe tuber nutrition facts potato. It was during the nth century that the potato culture has become important in Ireland, Scotland and England nutrition potato. Gradually, the potato has started to invade the homes of all kinds of people in Europe, the peasants and the army for the middle class nutrition facts potato. However nutrition data potato, it is only in the nth century that the potato crops were first seen in France and from there spread to Germany nutrition potato. In the nth century, potatoes were considered an alternative only turnips and rutabagas in European kitchens. Russia, Poland, India, China and the United States are the leading producers of potatoes now nutrition facts potato.


potato nutrition facts show that vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and nutrients and other vegetables are some general elements nutrition potato.

You can get 50 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin B and vitamin C for adults only 7 ounces of baked potatoes with skin intact daily dose. There are also plenty of potassium and about 5 grams of fiber nutrition potato. You get all this for zero grams of fat and only 220 calories nutrition facts potato.

Starch is the principal compound present in this vegetable nutrition data potato. Contains proteins that carries a high biological value nutrition potato.

Their analysis gives the following composition per 100 g edible portion flood:

• Humidity - 75%

• Carbohydrates - 15.90 g

• Protein - 1.89 g

• Fat - 0.10 g

• Cholesterol - 0 g

• Dietary fiber - 2.5 g

• Energy - 97 kcal

Vitamins -

• Foliate - 3M

• Niacin - 1.149 mg

• Antithetic Acid - 0.279 mg

• pyridoxine - 0.239 mg

• Riboflavin - 0.038 mg

• Thiamin - 0.081 mg

• Vitamin C - 11.4 mg

• Vitamin A - 7 UI

• Vitamin K - 2.9 micro g


• Sodium - 6 mg

• Potassium - 455 mg

Minerals -

• Calcium - 10 mg

• Iron - 0.73 mg

• Magnesium - 22 mg

• Manganese - 0.141mg

• Phosphorus - 61 mg

• Zinc - 0.33 mg


• carotene, beta - 4 mcg

• Alpha-carotene - 0 mcg

• Glutei, relaxation - 21 mcg

Potato nutritional facts explained here will be useful to determine the nutritional value of vegetables in the family nutrition potato.

Health Benefits of Aloof (Potato)

Contrary to popular belief that potatoes should be avoided because they are high in starch, medical reports now say that the potatoes should be eaten as they help enrich the body with essential nutrients nutrition potato. Potatoes are rich in photochemical that help fight against respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disease and various cancers nutrition potato.

People with hypertension should eat potatoes in large quantities. Potato contains a compound called glucosamine that helps lower blood pressure nutrition potato.

Potatoes are rich in vitamin B, which helps build and repair body cells nutrition potato. Vitamin leads to the production of enzymes in the body, which in turn leads to chemical reactions that cause cellular repair nutrition potato. Besides repairing the human body and brain cells, this nutrient is responsible for the production of the amine molecule in the human body, which enables communication between the ribs of the human nervous system nutrition potato.

Potatoes are very effective in relieving the pressure due to tension, indigestion, nature of food and many other reasons nutrition facts potato. Fiber is known to reduce cholesterol and improve the functioning of insulin in the body, reducing blood pressure nutrition potato.

The potato fiber helps reduce the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the plasma in the human body nutrition potato.

Potato contains large amounts of starch helps to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance nutrition potato.

Potatoes are an ideal food for people who are thin and fine. With lots of carbohydrates and proteins, which help promote weight gain nutrition potato.

Easy to digest nutrition facts potato, potatoes help facilitate the process of digestion, especially for people who can not digest hard food but need energy, and patients and babies nutrition potato.

Potatoes contain vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc in large amounts that are beneficial to the skin nutrition facts potato. They are perfect to cure pimples, blemishes, burns and even help to soften and cleanse the skin, especially around elbows, back of hands, and so on nutrition potato.

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