nutrition melon- facts and health benefits

Melon is a fruit widely grown and consumed in the world. Usually, they are available throughout the year. They are one of the easiest fruits to grow they also need a little care and maintenance nutrition melon. There is a wide variety of melons long list includes many members of the plant family Luxuriance nutrition water melon. They are edible, fleshy fruits with special taste and nutritional value nutrition melon.


Each type of melon has its own uniqueness and appearance. Above all, lie through your skin or outer envelope nutrition melon. There is a great variety in terms of design, colors, shapes and weights nutrition melon. From green to bright yellow skin color of yellow, white, green, red meat, or light pink. Can be found in oblong, oval or round. Melons, melons, Crenshaw melon, Casaba, Ogden, Canary Islands nutrition honeydew melon, Persian, winter melon are few known types of melons. They all have their different shape, color, size, flavor nutrition water melon, taste and texture. Especially, melons are rich in water content that makes a refreshing and safe system for weight conscious people. They help to maintain health and fitness nutrition melon.

Here we will discuss bright yellow melons with a taste so smooth. They are oblong or oval with a sweet fragrance nutrition melon. The name of this particular treatment is the canary melon is also known as winter melon. He has a yellow exterior so bright with pale white flesh inside green nutrition melon. Name because of the bright canary reminiscent of a canary yellow. Here are some nutritional facts Canary melons.

Other nutritional values WWE

Calories: Melons are low in calories with a perfect fill factor that makes a healthy choice for weight reduction does nutrition honeydew melon. This means that you can add volume to your diet without increasing the number of calories nutrition melon. A cup of chopped melon provides only 80 calories. Melons are one of the fruits that help you feel full and satisfied his hunger with fewer calories and almost no fat nutrition honeydew melon. There is no saturated fat which makes it an ideal choice as a side dish or snack.

Fiber: A cup of cantaloupe also provides 5 grams of fiber which is essential for proper operation bodily functions that are involved primarily in digestion and colon health nutrition honeydew melon. Fiber also helps reduce the risk of death from heart problems nutrition melon.

Vitamins and minerals: Melons are very nutritious and have a lot of vitamins and minerals nutrition honeydew melon. Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium and glycogen are the reasons that make it perfect for a healthy and balanced diet. Melons copper provides a healthy skin and shiny fabric muscled ad nutrition melon.

Vitamin A is essential for normal growth and development of human beings. Vitamin B melon helps get rid of toxic elements from the body nutrition melon. It is a fat soluble vitamin that is useful to the membranes of the eyes, vision, skin and mucous membranes nutrition honeydew melon. A normal portion canary melon contributes 50% of the vitamin A you need in a day nutrition melon.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that has the power to heal wounds and bruises fast nutrition honeydew melon. It is essential to understand the canary melons in your diet before or after any type of surgical procedure. It helps your skin heal faster through encourages the body to produce collagen. Vitamin C in a food melons actually healthy to accelerate the healing process nutrition melon.

Potassium: Contribution of natural potassium, blood pressure decreases. Melons contain a high amount of potassium, which varies depending on the type of individual melon, but all types have a certain amount of potassium nutrition melon. Potassium for heart health protection is essential nutrition honeydew melon. Irregular heartbeat, muscle cramps, indigestion and weakness are some of the results of potassium deficiency. Adding melons increase potassium intake at steady state to prevent these diseases nutrition melon.

Health Benefits of Watermelon

Wonderfully delicious with a rich, melons are very low in calories (100 grams of fruit only 34 calories) and fats nutrition honeydew melon. However, the fruit is rich in many health promoting plant derived poly phenolic compounds nutrition water melon, vitamins and minerals that are absolute for optimal health nutrition melon.
• Fruit is an excellent source of vitamin A (3382 IU 100 g provides about 112% of the recommended daily levels) one of the highest among the fruits. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for vision nutrition honeydew melon. You also need to keep the mucous membranes and skin healthy nutrition honeydew melon. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin A is known to help protect against lung cancer and oral cavity nutrition melon.
• It is also rich in antioxidant flavored such as beta-carotene nutrition water melon, glutei, zeal-anything and corporation. These antioxidants have the ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body of free oxygen radicals and thereby protect against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung and pancreas nutrition melon.
• Resistance total antioxidant capacity measured in terms of oxygen radical absorbencies (ORA) FTE/100 cantaloupe is 315 moil g nutrition melon. The value of honey melon is 241 moil g FTE/100.
• Zeal-anything, an important dietary carotene selectively absorbed into the retinal macula lute of withe eye nutrition honeydew melon, which are thought to provide antioxidant and protective UV filtering functions light. Therefore, the eye provides protection "related macular degeneration with age" (AMD) in the elderly nutrition melon.
• It is a moderate source of potassium electrolyte nutrition water melon. 100 g of fruit provides 267 mg of the electrolyte nutrition melon. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids helps control heart rate and blood pressure nutrition honeydew melon. Therefore, it provides protection against coronary heart disease and stroke nutrition melon.
• The fruit also contains moderate levels of B vitamins, including niacin, antithetic acid and vitamin C and minerals like manganese nutrition melon. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge free radicals of oxygen, damaging. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme super oxide dismounts nutrition water melon. Commercially, melons are used to extract the enzyme super oxide dismounts (SOD) plays a vital role as a strong antioxidant defenses first line inside the human body nutrition melon.

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