banana nutrition- benefits and facts the truth about it !

The banana is a fruit very nutritious and beneficial for the entire year with ease banana nutrition . The use of banana is a natural and effective solution for many diseases nutrition facts banana. Banana is unsurpassed in providing the natural beauty of the human skin. It is used to improve and increase the fluidity and efficiency of the digestive system. It strengthens the stomach. It keeps our body in various minerals such as potassium banana calories nutrition, phosphorus, calcium and nitrogen. Natural Freshwater present in a banana helps maintain proper health and also helps in digestion and assimilation of food we eat nutrition facts banana(Assimilation is the process by which the food consumed is absorbed in the blood) banana nutrition .

If a banana is compared with an apple, banana reflecting has four times the protein, which contains the contents of 2-fold higher carbohydrate content three times higher phosphorus banana calories nutrition, five times higher in vitamin A and iron banana nutrition , also twice as high in all the vitamins and minerals in an apple. Therefore, the word famous apple can be modified to say, "A banana a day keeps the doctor away."



Mix a ripe banana and yogurt is a great remedy for diarrhea nutrition facts banana. Diarrhea is common in young children and infants, this banana should be mixed in a paste and a pinch of salt should be added banana nutrition . This is an effective solution to this problem.


Banana is used as an excellent natural skin cleanser nutrition facts banana. Facial mask made of a banana keeps the skin clean and soft banana calories nutrition, this is the best tonic for the skin. Take half a banana and make a paste, then add a tablespoon of milk powder and a few drops of essence of rose flower, and apply to face, neck and arms nutrition facts banana. Wash immediately after half an hour nutrition facts banana. This contributes to the hydration of the skin and radiant and fresh banana nutrition .

For a natural glow of the skin, there is a very good method to have half a banana and make a paste banana calories nutrition, add the white of an egg in it and a tablespoon yogurt. Mix ingredients thoroughly, apply the mask on your face and rinse after 15 minutes nutrition facts banana. This gives a natural glow to the skin, similar to a light received after a professional salon facial banana nutrition .


Besides being rich in minerals and vitamins banana nutrition , banana has a high energy content. Can not be judged by the fact that just two bananas to get enough energy for individual appointments hour with ease banana nutrition . It is advisable to eat bananas at the time of day when you feel tired and exhausted nutrition facts banana.

Reduce tensions

Potassium banana calories nutrition, which is present in a fairly generous in a banana, is an essential mineral that plays very critical tasks in our body banana nutrition . Potassium maintains normal heart rhythm, it delivers oxygen to the brain and also maintains the osmotic balance in our body nutrition facts banana. When we experience stress, our potassium level is less than our normal increases metabolic rate. Banana is rich in potassium, if consumed in that time is used to replace potassium thereby reducing our potassium levels in normal principle, to normalize the blood banana nutrition .

Banana keeps us calm, as it contains vitamin B which relaxes the nervous system. Using banana to calm nerves is an excellent solution for anxiety. This has a positive effect on the mood of the person banana nutrition , because he is gay and happy. Banana is also used to treat problems in the human body as a result of climate change. A protein called "crypto" is in a banana mood changes naturally the person to lift his spirits and makes you feel relaxed banana nutrition .


Using bananas helps a person to quit smoking. Vitamins B and B, which are in a banana helps reduce the effect of nicotine is present in cigarettes banana nutrition . Although the actual process is that the vitamins reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal so that the person can easily quit because nicotine is addictive banana nutrition .


Due to a high potassium banana nutrition , low salt content, banana not adversely affect blood pressure nutrition facts banana. In fact, it is considered to control and contain the blood pressure banana nutrition .

Hemoglobin production

Iron, which is present in a large amount of a banana, is that in the formation of hemoglobin found in red blood cells to carry oxygen banana nutrition . Eating banana provides this essential element in the formation of hemoglobin banana nutrition .


Fibers, but does not provide power for us, but included in a balanced diet, because due to their quality indigestible keeps our digestive system in shape and condition. The fiber is excreted in the feces undigested banana nutrition . Banana contains "pectin" and fiber dissolution "hydro colloid" that holds the fibers clean digestive system. It also helps to get rid of a person with chronic constipation banana nutrition .

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