nutrition pear- health benefits and facts !

Fruits have a high nutritional value because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals and pear is one of the healthiest fruits available. The fruit is yellow or green with juicy rounded tapering to the stem nutrition pear. They have a very delicate flavor and are soft to merge when they are put in the mouth, by the type "melt in your mouth" of pears are also called "butter fruit" worldwide nutrition facts pear. The pears are grown worldwide and more than 3,000 varieties of pears grown worldwide nutrition pear.

Nutritional benefits of pears

There are mainly eight pear varieties nutrition facts pear, including green, yellow / gold, brown and red, which are distinctive texture and flavor nutrition pear. They are mostly eaten raw and taste in desserts nutrition facts pear.

The pear tree can reach 20 meters high nutrition pear. Petra is one of the few fruits that do not ripen well if allowed to ripen on the tree nutrition facts pear, pear etc are collected in the trees when they are almost ripe and left at room temperature to fully ripen. The thumb test is used to check if the bulb burns out to eat delicious with soft body or not nutrition pear. To do this, apply gentle thumb pressure near the base of the stem nutrition facts pear, if supported by some pear is ripe and ready to eat. When mature tastes sweet, smooth and soft and filled with pear juice. It should be noted that if a company is established unripe pear in the refrigerator, it will not be mature and give rise to a loss nutrition facts pear. Pears have a shelf life of two to three days after refined nutrition pear.

Pears are consumed after washing the skin gently under running water and dry nutrition facts pear. The skin provides almost half of the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber, it is recommended to peel the pear fruit should be consumed whole fruit nutrition pear.

Once cut, pears will oxidize and form a brown layer above nutrition facts pear. To prevent browning, a few drops of lemon juice or orange juice can be sprayed on fruit


Quantity per 100 grams of pears

Calories - 57 kcal
Total fat - 0.1 g
Saturated Fat - 3G
Polyunsaturated fats - 0,1 g
Monounsaturated fat - 0.1 g
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Sodium - 0.1 mg
Potassium - 116 mg
Dietary fiber - 3.1 g
Sugar - 10 g
Protein - 0.4 g
Vitamin C - 7 mg

Serving Ideas

Pear Smoothie: Mix yogurt, pears, granulated sugar, milk and rich experience of fiber, calcium and vitamin C nutrition facts pear.

Pear and grilled cheese sandwich: Mix cheddar cheese, pears, mustard, salt for the filling and the substance of bread butter bread. Enjoy the delicacy nutrition facts pear.

Pear, avocado and shrimp salad: Off the three main ingredients - pear, avocado and shrimp. Add a splash of olive oil and lemon juice, salt to taste nutrition pear. Enjoy a delicious salad for all seasons nutrition facts pear.

Pear Waffles

Pear Squash

Pear Pancakes

Health Benefits of Pears

The reduced risk of cancer: An excessive amount of bile acids in the intestine may increase the risk of colorectal cancer and intestinal problems nutrition pear. Pears fiber tend to be attached to the bile acids, bile acids nutrition pear, especially the secondary prevention of risks of colon cancer nutrition facts pear. As pears potentiates help reduce the risk of gastric cancer nutrition pear. A study by the National Institutes of Health and the American Association of Retired Persons involving 490 802 participants, found that when you eat pears also help reduce the risk of esophageal cancer nutrition pear.

Petra fibers have the ability to bind bile acids in the intestine and to reduce bile acid pool, which in turn lowers cholesterol synthesis reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. One study found that pear capacity bind bile acids constrained cholesterol lowering drug is about 5 percent of the drug's ability to achieve the result nutrition facts pear. Other commonly consumed fruits, bananas and pineapples only showed more with their ability to bind bile acids is 9 percent and 6 percent, respectively nutrition pear.

Health Benefits of Pears: cardiovascular diseases

-2 Rate risk reduced diabetes mellitus: like pears have enough soluble and insoluble fiber, consumption of this fruit helps reduce the risk of diabetes nutrition data pear. Several studies have shown that flavorless FLACON-3-Sols nutrition pear, and pear Anthony in improving insulin sensitivity and therefore regulate the levels of glucose in the body in the correct manner nutrition pear.

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory: A Study on Aging found that pear is ranked as the second largest source of flavored, among all fruits and vegetables, in part because explicate rich fruit nutrition pear. All of these components in the bulb have antioxidant properties and to enhance anti-inflammatory support nutrition pear. As a result of the consumption of pears is associated with reduced risk of several common chronic disease that begins with chronic inflammation and excessive oxidative stress nutrition pear. Some potentiates found in pear fruits are hydroxyl acids, hydroxyl acids, hydroxylation, flannels (also called Flacon-3-Sols), flannels, and carotene nutrition data pear.

High vitamin C: pears contain high amounts of vitamin C nutrition data pear, which is an antioxidant. Therefore pears consumption leads to prevention of scurvy caused by a deficiency of vitamin C nutrition pear. Vitamin C also has properties of tissue construction and therefore works well in healing wounds and cuts nutrition pear.

Hypoallergenic Properties: Sometimes the pear fruit is the first to be introduced to a child nutrition data pear, as it is considered less allergenic than other fruits and food products nutrition pear. Pears small amounts of calculates and benzoates, so it is recommended for people with allergies nutrition data pear.

Laxative: pears function as a good laxative and are known to relieve constipation. High amounts of dietary fiber in pear fruit peel works well in the digestive system and increases stool as well nutrition pear.

Health Benefits of Pears: Constipation

Fat and cholesterol: pears, including its power to fatty foods can reduce total fat intake and cholesterol so that many of the risks associated with various diseases nutrition pear. Therefore, we can conclude that pears fruit countless benefits when consumed regularly nutrition data pear. This dish should be included in the diet and its benefits should be enjoyed by all nutrition pear.

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