chili nutrition- benefits health and facts!

Pepper is a basic seasoning for dishes and aromas nutrition chili , dark green or red usually brilliant nutrition facts chili. If you cut the pepper, then find it in white stems containing capsicum oil as stinging cells of the tongue papillae nutrition chili . Ai has resulted in a chili pepper on the tongue when we eat. However, these substances are also prone people hooked and addicted to eating food nutrition facts chili.
However, behind the feeling of biting into a myriad of benefits and nutritional content of what we have not increased appetite more effective before.In has other benefits for the body.
For example, spicy chili taste amazing, contains vitamin C and beta-carotene (propitiating A) is said to be happy to beat in fruits like mango, pineapple, papaya and watermelon. Even after the study, the levels of minerals nutrition chili , especially calcium and phosphorus exceeded fish.Actually fees, among other types of peppers, red peppers contain vitamin C, which is higher, until doubled nutrition chili .
Breakfront although levels were higher in comparison with the green peppers, nine times. Most of the beta-carotene content in peppers is concentrated near the skin.
As for the other benefits of peppers are nutrition facts chili:
1. Healer accidentally cut his injury during cooking, usually your finger, it is a red medicine to heal. But even if you are already a member of iodine in the wound, pain / suffering remains strong flavor nutrition chili .
Alternative medicine is not only red, but also prevent infection immediately to relieve pain and bleeding in order to accelerate the healing process is the red pepper nutrition facts chili. The trick is dried and crushed red pepper until smooth nutrition chili .
After it is sprayed onto the wound chili beans nutrition. Chili powder wounds What pain do nutrition facts chili. Instead, chili stops very quickly that there is no pain and bleeding. This is due to capsicum in chili that relieve pain nutrition facts chili.
Two. High fever reliever Compared with conventional treatment, overcoming a high fever with chili is a cheap and easy fast nutrition chili .But that which is used instead of the fruit, but the leaves cabana nutrition facts chili.
The trick nutrition chili , first take a bunch of cayenne pepper leaves chili beans nutrition, then puree until smooth. Add 1 tablespoon salad oil and soup mix these two ingredients until smooth. After the dough ingredients in the crown or the whole body massage nutrition chili .
Cover the patient with a thick blanket nutrition facts chili. Before long, the body will sweat, so body heat will quickly deteriorate nutrition chili .
Three. Relieves colds and nasal congestion Because pepper contains capsicum, which can dilute the lenders to clogged mucus in the nasal cavity and the outside becomes liquid. As a result, the nose is blocked again nutrition chili . This is the case of sinusitis and cough with sputum.
April. Prevent Stroke Chillies can reduce the risk of stroke, blood clots, impotence and heart disease. Because, by consuming capsicum blood regularly maintain the thin crust and fat in the blood vessels will not form. Therefore nutrition chili , blood will flow smoothly. Therefore, the pepper is also effective in reducing blood clotting (thrombosis).
May. Relieve headache and I met with pain Ever listen to their advice if dizziness, spicy food? This advice is true because the spiciness caused capsicum can inhibit the activity of the brain when it receives the central nervous system pain Sonya chili beans nutrition. Inhibition of these signals travel reduce pain we suffer nutrition chili .
Besides chili is also effective in relieving migraine
June. Increase appetite Because capsicum can stimulate the production of hormones endorphins, hormones that can evoke feelings of pleasure and happiness. Therefore, increased appetite.
July nutrition chili . Lowers cholesterol and as a natural antibiotic
August. Contains antioxidants Which can be used to overcome infertility (sterility), an aphrodisiac nutrition chili , and slow the aging process chili beans nutrition
Of all the properties we have, if consumed in reasonable quantities nutrition chili , since otherwise it may result in devastating chili stomach pain penguins

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